Jandt, F. E. Interactive synecology.--Mack, R. W. and Snyder, R. C. The analysis of social conflict-toward an overview and synthesis.--Blake, R. B. and Mouton, J. S. The fifth achievement.--McGinn, N. F., Harburg, E., and Ginsburg, G. P. Responses to interpersonal conflict by middle-class males in Guadalajara and Michigan.-- Druckman, D. Dogmatism, prenegotiation experience, and simulated group representation as determinants of dyadic behavior in a bargaining situation.--Sereno, K. K. and Mortensen, C. D. The effects of ego-involved attitudes on conflict negotiation in dyads.--Deutsch, M. Conflicts: productive and destructive.--Fisher, B. A. Decision emergence.--Blood, R. O. Resolving family conflicts.-- Frank, A. D. Conflict in the classroom.--Doob, L. W., Foltz, W. J., and Stevens, R. B. The Ferm