21. colour atlas sputum cytology: early diagnosis lung cancer
Author: Gordon Canti
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Subject: Lung Neoplasms- diagnosis- atlases,Sputum- cytology- atlases
Classification :

22. A comparison of clinico-biological and genetic markers in sporadic breast cancer in different populations
Author: Nichols, Wafa Makky Jonathan Ronald
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

23. A comprehensive approach to reabitation of the cancer patient, a self-Instructional text
Author: / Elizabeth A. Smith
Library: Central Library and Archive Center of shahid Beheshti University (Tehran)
Subject: Concer nursing,Concer patients - Rehabilitation,Concer psychological
Classification :

24. A conspiracy of cells: the basic science of cancer /R. Grant Steen
Library: Library of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Carcinogenesis.,Cancer cells.
Classification :

25. A dietary pattern rich in lignans, quercetin and resveratrol decreases the risk of oesophageal cancer.
Author: Lin, Yulan; Yngve, Agneta; Lagergren, Jesper; Lu, Yunxia
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

26. A logistic regression model for predicting cancer risk factors in an oncology teaching hospital in Iraq
Author: Alaa Nasser,Nasser,
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Cancer, machine learning, logistic regression, fit

27. A metastatic cancer to skin in an otherwise asymptomatic young man:
Author: Salmanpoor, Rahmatollah; Saki, Nasrin; Sepaskhah, Mojdeh; Aslani, Fatemeh Sari; Kardeh, Bahareh
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

28. A novel CDKN2A in-frame deletion associated with pancreatic cancer-melanoma syndrome
Author: Bottillo, Irene; Valiante, Michele; Menale, Lucia; Paiardini, Alessandro; Papi, Laura; Janson, Giacomo; Sestini, Roberta; Iorio, Alessandra; De Simone, Paola; Frascione, Pasquale; Grammatico, Paola,Bottillo, Irene; Valiante, Michele; Menale, Lucia; Paiardini, Alessandro; Papi, Laura; Janson, Giacomo; Sestini, Roberta; Iorio, Alessandra; De Simone, Paola; Frascione, Pasquale; Grammatico, Paola
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

29. A novel case of NKX3.1-positive metastatic cutaneous prostate cancer
Author: Wong, Jennifer K; Minni, John P; Nowak, Michael A,Wong, Jennifer K; Minni, John P; Nowak, Michael A
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

30. A novel combinational of filters for image classification, Breast cancer as a case study
Author: Ali Fadhil Mohammed Bni Okba,Bni Okba,
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Gabor filter bank, Law’s features, Fourier Transform, Wavelet transform, Support Vector Machine, Wavelet Pocket transform.,بانک فیلتر گابور، تبدیل فوریه، تبدیل موجک، یادگیری ماشین، ماشین بردار پشتیبانی، تبدیل موجک پاکتی.

31. A nurse's guide to caring for cancer survivors
Author: / Jennifer A. Welch, Stephanie K. Marcotte
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Oncologic Nursing- methods,Prostatic Neoplasms- nursing,Survivors

32. A nurse's guide to caring for cancer survivors
Author: / Wendye DiSalvo
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Lung Neoplasms- nursing,Lung Neoplasms- therapy,Survivors,Nurse-Patient Relations

33. A nurse's guide to caring for cancer survivors
Author: / Laura M. Urquhart
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Breast Neoplasms- nursing,Breast Neoplasms- therapy,Survivors,Nurse-Patient Relations

34. A nurse's guide to caring for cancer survivors
Author: / Laura M. Urquhart
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Breast Neoplasms- nursing,Breast Neoplasms- therapy,Survivors,Nurse-Patient Relations

35. A nurse's guide to caring for cancer survivors
Author: / Lisa Kennedy Sheldon
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Colorectal Neoplasms- nursing,Colorectal Neoplasms- therapy,Survivors,Nurse-Patient Relations

36. A nurse's guide to caring for cancer survivors
Author: / Anna D. Schaal, Diane M. Stearns
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Lymphoma- nursing,Lymphoma- therapy,Survivors,Nurse-Patient Relations

37. A physician's guide to pain and symptom management in cancer patients
Author: / Janet L. Abrahm
Library: Medical School Library and Learning Center (Tehran)
Subject: Cancer--Palliative treatment,Cancer pain,Neoplasms--therapy,Pain--prevention & control,Pain--therapy
Classification :

38. A practical guide to breast cancer treatment
Author: Eun Sook Lee, editor
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Breast Neoplasms-- handbooks

39. A practical guide to cancer systems biology
Author: Juan, Hsueh-Fen
Library: Library of Razi Metallurgical Research Center (Tehran)
Subject: Research Data processing ، Cancer,Research Methodology ، Cancer,، Systems biology
Classification :