41. Birthing autonomy
Author: / Nadine Pilley Edwards
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Home Childbirth- England,Feminism- England,Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice- England,Midwifery- England,Women's Rights- England

42. Breastfeeding in hospital :
Author: Fiona Dykes.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Breastfeeding-- Great Britain.,Breast Feeding-- ethnology.,Breast Feeding-- psychology.,Hospital Units.,Midwifery.,Mothers-- psychology.,Breastfeeding.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Breastfeeding.,England.,Great Britain., 2, 7
Classification :

43. Career as a nurse (RN) - Geriatric nursing
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Subject: Midwifery,Career Choice,Popular Works
Classification :

44. Caring and curing :
Author: edited by Dianne Dodd and Deborah Gorham
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Medical care-- Canada-- History,Women in medicine-- Canada-- History,Delivery of Health Care-- history,Midwifery-- history,Physicians, Women-- history,Canada, 2

45. Caring and curing : historical perspectives on women and healing in Canada
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Women in medicine > Canada > History ***** Medical care > Canada > History ***** Delivery of Health Care > history > Canada ***** Midwifery > history > Canada ***** Physicians, Women > history > Canada *****

46. Catching babies :
Author: Charlotte G. Borst.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Childbirth-- Wisconsin-- History-- 19th century.,Childbirth-- Wisconsin-- History-- 20th century.,Midwifery-- Wisconsin-- History.,Obstetrics-- Wisconsin-- History.,Professions-- Sociological aspects.,Delivery, Obstetric-- history.,History, Modern 1601-,Midwifery-- history.,Obstetrics-- history.,Wisconsin., 2
Classification :

47. Challenges in midwifery care
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Subject: Midwifery
Classification :

48. Changing trends in obstetrics and gynecology
Author: / R. S. Mahale
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Obstetrics- trends,Midwifery- trends,Pregnancy Complications

49. Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery and women's health
Author: / Nell L. Tharpe, Cindy L. Farley
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Midwifery- Practice Guideline,Genital Diseases, Female- Practice Guideline,Pregnancy Complications- Practice Guideline,Women's Health- Practice Guideline

50. Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery and women's health
Author: / Nell L. Tharpe
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Midwifery- Standards,Maternity nursing- Standards,Gynecologic nursing- Standards,Midwifery,Genital Diseases, Female,Pregnancy Complications,Women's Health,Practice Guideline

51. Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery & women's health /
Author: Nell L. Tharpe.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Gynecologic nursing-- Standards.,Maternity nursing-- Standards.,Midwifery-- Standards.,Genital Diseases, Female, Practice Guideline.,Midwifery, Practice Guideline.,Pregnancy Complications, Practice Guideline.,Women's Health, Practice Guideline.,Enfermagem obstétrica.,Gynecologic nursing-- Standards.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Pregnancy & Childbirth.,Midwifery-- Standards.,Obstetrícia.,Saúde materno-infantil.
Classification :

52. Clinical risk management in midwifery
Author: / Jo H. Wilson, Andrew Symon
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: National Health Service (Great Britain),Midwifery- organization

53. Coming home :
Author: Wendy Kline.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Childbirth-- United States.,Midwifery-- United States-- History.,Midwives-- United States.,Midwifery-- history.,Parturition.,Childbirth.,MEDICAL-- Gynecology & Obstetrics.,Midwifery.,Midwives.,United States.,United States., 2, 7
Classification :

54. Coming home : how midwives changed birth
Author: Wendy Kline
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Childbirth > United States ***** Midwifery > United States > History ***** Midwives > United States *****

55. Community midwifery
Author: / Mary cronk and carolin flint
Library: Central Library of Kashan University of Medical Sciences (Esfahan)
Subject: Midwifery

56. Community midwifery practice
Author: / edited by Jenny Edwins
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Midwifery- methods,Community Health Services- methods

57. Complementary and alternative medicine in nursing and midwifery
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Complementary Therapies- nursing,Holistic Nursing- methods,Midwifery- methods

58. Complementary therapies for pregnancy and childbirth
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Midwifery,Therapeutics - methods,Pregnancy,Labor
Classification :

59. Complementary therapies in nursing and midwifery
Author: / edited by Pauline McCabe
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Complementary Therapies,Naturopathy,Nursing,Midwifery