1. A Christian, a Jew, and a woman walk into a bar: Exploring the nonreligious elements of interfaith work
Author: Mark Merritt McCormack
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Social research; Ethnic studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Community psychology;Ecological systems;Interfaith;Organizations;Religion

2. American Islam, the Next Generation: Young Adult Muslim Americans on Campus - Faith, Identities, Citizenship, Gender, and Pluralism
Author: Daniel Azim Pschaida
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Ethnic studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Discourse;Identities;Muslims;Pluralism;Second generation;United states

3. Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning-Cross
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Mazandaran University (Mazandaran)
Subject: Western Philosophy; Feminism; Gender Studies; Cultural Studies-Philosophy; Aesthetics; Non

4. Deconstructing religious-secular divides: Women's rights advocacy in Muslim-majority societies
Author: Sheherazade Jafari
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Womens studies; Islamic Studies; International Relations; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Constructivism;Islam;Religion;Secularism;Social movements;Women's rights

5. Deconstructing religious-secular divides: Women's rights advocacy in Muslim-majority societies
Author: Sheherazade Jafari
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Womens studies; Islamic Studies; International Relations; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Constructivism;Islam;Religion;Secularism;Social movements;Women's rights

6. Domestic violence: Challenges for Egyptian women
Author: Deyana Ibrahim
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Philosophy; Middle Eastern history; Womens studies; Middle Eastern Studies; Individual & family studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Domestic violence;Egypt;Muslim and coptic christian;Violence against egyptian women

7. Domestic violence: Challenges for Egyptian women
Author: Deyana Ibrahim
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Philosophy; Middle Eastern history; Womens studies; Middle Eastern Studies; Individual & family studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Domestic violence;Egypt;Muslim and coptic christian;Violence against egyptian women

8. Engendering the social :
Author: edited by Barbara L. Marshall and Anne Witz.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Feminist theory.,Sociology-- Philosophy.,Feminisme.,Feminist theory.,Gender & Ethnic Studies.,Gender Studies & Sexuality.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Anthropology-- General.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Regional Studies.,Social Sciences.,Sociale wetenschappen.,Sociology-- Philosophy.
Classification :

9. Exploring Muslim women: A qualitative study of the construction of gendered religious identities among graduates of an Islamic school
Author: Uzma Rashid
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; American studies; Womens studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;American muslim women;Gender identities;Identity development;Islamic identities;Religious identities;Religious socialization

10. Feminist New Testament Studies
Author: edited by Kathleen O\U+2019\Brien Wicker, Althea Spencer Miller, Musa W. Dube.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bible-Theology.,Feminism.,Feminist theory.,Philosophy (General),Sociology.,Biblical Studies.,Gender Studies.,Philosophy, general.

11. Gender practices and relations at the Jamaat al Muslimeen in Trinidad
Author: Jeanne P. Baptiste
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Caribbean Studies; Womens studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;1990 insurrection;Abu bakr;Attempted coup;Ethnicity;Gender;Identity;Islam;Mucurapo mosque;Muslimeen;Nation;Postcolonial essentialism;Race;Sexual piety;Trinidad

12. Gender-technology relations : exploring stability and change
Author: Hilde Corneliussen
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Technology > Philosophy ***** SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gender Studies ***** SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies ***** Technology > Sociological aspects ***** Women in technology ***** Technology > Sex differences ***** Electronic data processing > Sex differences ***** Women in computer science ***** SOCIAL SCIENCE / General *****

13. Gendered morality: Masculinity, marriage, and social relations in premodern Islamic ethics
Author: Zahra M. Shoaib Ayubi
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Islamic Studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Gender and islamic philosophy;Gender in islamic ethics;Islam and gender;Islamic ethics;Islamic masculinity;Women and islam

14. Hermeneutics of desire: ontologies of gender and desire in early Hanafī law
Author: Saadia Yacoob
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Law; Islamic Studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Gender and sexuality;Hanafi law;History of sexuality;Islam and gender;Islamic law

15. Homosexuality as Haram: An Examination of the Effects of Gender, Contact, and Religiosity on Sexual Prejudice in Muslim College Students
Author: Amanda T. Yeck
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; GLBT Studies; Psychology; Gender studies; Higher education,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Psychology;Education;Contact;Gender;Islam;Religiosity;Sexual prejudice

16. Interrogating Women's Grassroots Empowerment Program in Nigeria:
Author: Jaiyeola, Emmanuel Olorunfemi
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Educational philosophy,Gender equity,Gender studies,Rural sociology,Social research

17. Interrogating Women's Grassroots Empowerment Program in Nigeria: A Case Study of Ogotun Mat Weaving Center in Ogotun-Ekiti, Nigeria
Author: Jaiyeola, Emmanuel Olorunfemi
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Educational philosophy,Gender equity,Gender studies,Rural sociology,Social research

18. Intersections: Modernity, gender, and Qur' anic exegesis
Author: Hadia Mubarak
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Islamic Studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Exegesis;Gender;Islamic thought;Modernity;Quran;Tradition

19. Intersections: Modernity, gender, and Qur' anic exegesis
Author: Hadia Mubarak
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Islamic Studies; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Exegesis;Gender;Islamic thought;Modernity;Quran;Tradition

20. Introduction to contemporary social theory
Author: Anthony Elliott
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Sociology > Philosophy ***** Social sciences > Philosophy ***** SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gender Studies ***** SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General ***** SOCIAL SCIENCE / Human Geography *****