21. Geology, geochemistry and mineralization of the silica-carbonate alteration (listwaenite) from Late Cretaceous ophiolitic melanges at Curek-Divrigi in Sivas Province and at Guvene, Karakuz-Hekimhan in Malatya Province, central east Turkey
Author: A. Ucurum
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Geology,Geology,Mineralogy

22. Highly siderophile and strongly chalcophile elements in high-temperature geochemistry and cosmochemistry /
Author: editors, Jason Harvey, University of Leeds, UK, James M.D. Day, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Cosmochemistry.,Geochemistry.,Siderophile elements.,Cosmochemistry.,Geochemie,Geochemistry.,SCIENCE-- Earth Sciences-- Geography.,SCIENCE-- Earth Sciences-- Geology.,Siderophile elements.,Siderophiles Element
Classification :

23. Integrated structural and geochemical studies of oceanic fault zones across the dike-pluton boundary, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
Author: L. L. Marquez
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Geology,Geology,hydrothermal

24. Isotopes and the Natural Environment
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Mazandaran University (Mazandaran)
Subject: Earth Sciences; Environmental Science and Engineering; Environmental Chemistry; Ecology; Geochemistry; Climate Change

25. Isotopic and trace elemental analyses, and description of authigenic quartz for Pleistocene dolomites, Al Jubayl, Saudi Arabia
Author: J. Zhang
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Geochemistry,Geology,Geology,Paleontology

26. Lower Bab Member (A0): A study of sequence stratigraphy, porosity characterization and tight reservoir development, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Author: Mohammad Eid Alsuwaidi
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Geology; Petroleum engineering; Geochemistry,Applied sciences;Earth sciences;Abu Dhabi;Aptian;Porosity;Reservoir characterization;Sequence stratigraphy;Stable isotopes;Tight carbonate;United Arab Emirates

27. Lower Bab Member (A0): A study of sequence stratigraphy, porosity characterization and tight reservoir development, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Author: Mohammad Eid Alsuwaidi
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Geology; Petroleum engineering; Geochemistry,Applied sciences;Earth sciences;Abu Dhabi;Aptian;Porosity;Reservoir characterization;Sequence stratigraphy;Stable isotopes;Tight carbonate;United Arab Emirates

28. Marine Geochemistry
Author: by Roy Chester.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth Sciences.,Geochemistry.,Science, general.

29. Oceanic Hotspots :
Author: edited by Roger Hekinian, Jean-Louis Chemine, Peter Stoffers.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth Sciences.,Geochemistry.,Oceanography.

30. Organic geochemistry and thermal maturity modeling of hydrocarbon generation in the northwest Java Basin, Indonesia
Author: H. Napitupulu
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Applied sciences,Earth sciences,facies,Geochemistry,Petroleum production

31. Petrology and stable isotope geochemistry of the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, northern Pakistan
Author: M. U. K. Khattak
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Geology,Mineralogy,oxygen-18

32. Precipitation of calcium phosphates in the presence of soluble organic matter
Author: P. R. Grossl
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Agricultural chemicals,Earth sciences,fulvic acid,Geochemistry,humic acid,Pure sciences

33. Processes which control the distribution of radium and uranium in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta and their fluxes to the Bay of Bengal
Author: J. Carroll
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bangladesh,Brahmaputra River,Earth sciences,Geochemistry

34. Proxy records of the Indonesian Low and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) from stable isotope measurements of Indonesian reef corals
Author: M. D. Moore
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Oceanography,Paleontology,Paleontology

35. Reconstructing hydrographic gradients and the carbon isotopic composition of surface waters using multiple species of planktonic foraminifera
Author: J. S. Oslick
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Biogeochemistry,Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Geology,Globigerinoides,Globorotalia

36. Skarn formation and ore deposition at the Gunung Bijih Timur (Ertsberg East) complex, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
Author: J. N. Rubin
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Geology,Geology,New Guinea,skarns

37. Soil mineralogy and potassium quantity/intensity relations in three alluvial soils from Pakistan
Author: M. S. Akhtar
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Agricultural chemicals,Agronomy,Biological sciences,Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Pure sciences

38. Stable isotope geochemistry, mineralogy, and microscopy of gypsiferous soils from central Iran
Author: H. Khademi-Moghari
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Aridisols,Biological sciences,clay soils,Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Soil sciences

39. Stable isotopic composition of soil carbonate and fossil teeth in paleoecologic reconstruction
Author: J. Quade
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Earth sciences,Geochemistry,Nevada,Pakistan,Paleoecology,teeth