102. Managing the unmanageable : systematic downloading of electronic resources by library users / Gayle Baker, Carol Tenopir -- Library/vendor relations : the APA experience / Linda Beebe -- Managing customer relationships : a book vendor point-of-
Author: Sam Brooks, David H. Carlson, editors.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

103. Mass communication research methods /
Author: edited by Anders Hansen.
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Mass media-- Research-- Methodology.
Classification :

104. Mass communication research methods
Author: edited by Anders Hansen
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Institute of Culture, Arts and Communication (Tehran)
Subject: Mass media- Research- Methodology
Classification :

105. Modelling our future :
Author: edited by Ann Harding, Anil Gupta.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Policy sciences-- Computer simulation, Congresses.,Population aging-- Economic aspects, Congresses.,Social sciences-- Computer simulation, Congresses.,Social sciences-- Forecasting, Congresses.,Analyse comparative.,Belastingen.,Conséquences économiques.,Econometrische modellen.,Fiscalité.,Modèles démographiques.,Modèles économiques.,Pays développés.,Pensions.,Policy sciences-- Computer simulation.,Sécurité sociale.,Simulation.,Social sciences-- Computer simulation.,Sociale zekerheid.,Veroudering (demografie),Vieillissement de la population.
Classification :

106. Modern Buddhist cultures -- The cultural practices of Buddhist modernity -- Shanghai Buddhism -- Vegetarian identities --
Author: Francesca Tarocco.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

109. Pictorial Essay,ایران اسلام رسپوبلیکاسی ایله آذربایجان رسپوبلیکاسی آراسیندا اقتصادی و سیاسی مناسیبتلر ۱۹۹۱-۱۹۹۷
Author: 2009021500677nam1 22001692i 450 001000700000020002100007100004500028101000800073200016000081210014000241215000900381300004500390801003300435930001800468932000800486910001300494608032 ,20090214 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

110. Russia's skinheads :
Author: Hilary Pilkington, Elena Omel'chenko and Al'bina Garifzianova.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Skinheads-- Russia (Federation),Youth-- Russia (Federation).,Russia (Federation), Politics and government, 21st century., 0

111. Salmon lice
Author: / edited by Simon Jones, Richard Beamish
Library: Central Library, Center of Documentation and Supply of Scientific Resources (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Lepeophtheirus salmonis,Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Control,Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Geographical distribution
Classification :

112. Sergey Prokofiev and his world /
Author: edited by Simon Morrison.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Prokofiev, Sergey,1891-1953.,Prokof·ev, Sergej S.,Prokofʹev, Sergej S.,Prokofʹev, Sergej Sergeevič, 1891-1953,Prokofiev, Sergei Sergueevitch,(1891-1953),Prokofiev, Sergey,1891-1953.,Composers-- Soviet Union, Biography.,Composers.,Compositeurs-- URSS-- Biographies.,Soviet Union., 7
Classification :

113. Shostakovich and his world /
Author: edited by Laurel E. Fay
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich,1906-1975
Classification :

114. Simulated patient methodology
Author: edited by Debra Nestel, Margaret Bearman.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Education, Medical-- methods.,Patient Simulation.

115. The Oxford handbook of philosophy of physics /
Author: edited by Robert Batterman
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Physics-- Philosophy
Classification :

116. The novel /
Author: edited by Franco Moretti.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Fiction-- History and criticism.,Roman-- Histoire et critique.,Fiction-- History and criticism.,Fiction.,roman (genre littéraire),roman (genre littéraire), études diverses.,roman (genre littéraire), manuel.,Roman.
Classification :

117. Xenophon
Author: edited by Vivienne J. Gray
Library: Library of Mofid University (Qom)
Subject: Criticism and interpretation ، Xenophon
Classification :

118. f-sultanmuhamad,TD195.E4
Author: 20090530 0,Michael Grubb, Tooraj Jamasb, Michael G. Pollitt.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

119. pt. I. Perspective : legislative role of the judge and human rights law. Legislative role of the judge : a vital force in the life of the law ; Relationship between human rights and international law : principle of human dignity versus principle of state sovereignty -- pt. II. The development of human rights law by the International Court of Justice : contentious cases. Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v Albania) (1947-1949) ; South West Africa cases (Ethiopia v South Africa ; Liberia v South Africa) : violation of human rights law led to formation of human rights law (1960-1966) ; Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (new application : 1962) case (Belgium v Spain) (1962-70) ; United States diplomatic and consular staff in Tehran case (USA v Iran) (1979-1981) ; Military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua case (Nicaragua v USA) (1984-1991) ; East Timor case (Portugal v Australia) (1991-1994): human rights versus state sovereignty (1991-1994) ; Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide case (Bosnia and Herzegovia v Serbia Montenegro) (1993- ) : prohibition of genocide as jus cogens ; Legality of use of force cases (Yugoslavia v Belgium; Yugoslavia v Canada; Yugoslavia v France ; Yugoslavia v Germant ; Yugoslavia v Italy ; Yugoslavia v Netherlands ; Yugoslavia v Portugal ; Yugoslavia v Spain ; Yugoslavia v UK ; Yugoslavia v USA) (1999- ) ; Arrest warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Belgium) : an analysis of human dignity of the people, for the people, by the people (2000-2002) ; Vienna Convention on Consular Relations cases (1998-2004) : the Convention does create individual rights -- pt. III. The development of human rights law by the International Court of Justice : advisory cases. International status of South West Africa case (1949-1950) : the principle of sacred trust of civilization ; Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide case (1950-1951) ; Legal consequences for states of the continued presence of
Author: Shiv R.S. Bedi.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

120. 1579583873 (set : alk. paper)
Author: Cynthia Cockburn.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)