101. The persistence of whiteness :
Author: edited by Daniel Bernardi.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: University of South Alabama,Bibel, Philemonbrief,Minorities in motion pictures.,Motion pictures-- United States.,Race in motion pictures.,Cinéma américain-- Histoire et critique.,Exotisme-- Au cinéma.,Film-- Förenta Staterna.,Film.,Minderheit,Minorités-- Au cinéma.,Minoriteter i filmen.,Minoriteter på film, USA.,Minorities in motion pictures.,Minorities in motion pictures.,Motion pictures-- United States.,Motion pictures.,Multiculturalisme-- Au cinéma.,Race in motion pictures.,Race in motion pictures.,Races-- Au cinéma.,Raser på film, USA.,Rasrelationer i filmen.,Rasse,Schwarze.,United States.,USA.,Weiße., 7, 7, 7, 7
Classification :

102. The pornography of poverty : a cautionary fundraising tale / Bette Plewes and Rieky Stuart -- An imperfect process : funding human rights--a case study / Mona Younis -- Transformational development as the key to housing rights / Steven Weir -- Human rights INGOs, the north-south gap : the challenge of normative and empirical learning / Bonny Ibhawoh -- Dilemmas facing INGOs in coalition-occupied Iraq / Lyal Sunga -- Human rights in action : supporting human rights work in authoritarian countries / Birgit Lindsnaes, Hans-Otto Sano, and Hatla Thelle -- Driving without a map : implementing legal projects in China aimed at improving human rights / Sophia Woodman -- Normative compliance and hard bargaining : China's strategies and tactics in response to international human rights criticism / Sun Zhe -- Defending economic, social and cultural rights : practical issues faced by an international human rights organization / Kenneth Roth -- Thinking through social and economic rights / Neera Chandhoke -- Amne,BL
Author: edited by Daniel A. Bell, Jean-Marc Coicaud. ,20090527
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

103. Theories of race and racism :
Author: edited and introduced by Les Back and John Solomos
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Race,Race relations,Racism
Classification :

104. Turbulent flow computation
Author: / edited by D. Drikakis and B.J. Geurts
Library: Central Library, Center of Documentation and Supply of Scientific Resources (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Data processing,Mathematical models
Classification :

105. VEGF and cancer /
Author: [edited by] Judith H. Harmey.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Cancer-- Pathophysiology.,Neovascularization-- Regulation.,Tumors-- Blood-vessels-- Growth.,Vascular endothelial growth factors-- Pathophysiology.,Biomarkers, Tumor.,Neoplasms-- etiology.,Neoplasms-- physiopathology.,Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors-- adverse effects.,Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors-- physiology.,Cancer-- Pathophysiology.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Diseases-- Cancer.,MEDICAL-- Oncology.,Neovascularization-- Regulation.
Classification :

107. 9780521855181 (hbk. : alk
Author: 20090526
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

108. Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
Author: edited by María Estela Brisk.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)