1. John Kasper and Ezra Pound :
Author: Alec Marsh
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Kasper, John,1929-1998-- Correspondence,Pound, Ezra,1885-1972-- Correspondence,Pound, Ezra,1885-1972-- Influence
Classification :

2. Money and modernity
Author: by Alec Marsh.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Jefferson, Thomas,1743-1826-- Influence.,Pound, Ezra,1885-1972-- Knowledge-- Economics.,Pound, Ezra,1885-1972-- Political and social views.,Williams, William Carlos,1883-1963-- Knowledge-- Economics.,Williams, William Carlos,1883-1963-- Political and social views.,American poetry-- 20th century-- History and criticism.,Capitalism and literature-- United States-- History-- 20th century.,Economics in literature.,Modernism (Literature)-- United States.,Money in literature.

3. Money and modernity: Pound, Williams, and the spirit of Jefferson
Author: by Alec Marsh
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972 - Political and social views,Williams, William Carlos, 1883-1963 - Political and social views,Capitalism and literature - United States - History - 20th century,Williams, William Carlos, 1883-1963 - Knowledge - Economics,American poetry - 20th century - History and criticis,Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972 - Knowledge - Economics,Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 - Influence,Modernism (Literature) - United States,Economics in literature,Money in literature

4. Voices for the watershed :
Author: edited by Gregor Gilpin Beck and Bruce Littlejohn.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Environmental protection-- Great Lakes (North America),Environmental protection-- Saint Lawrence River Watershed.,Water-- Pollution-- Great Lakes (North America),Water-- Pollution-- Saint Lawrence River Watershed.,Water quality management-- Great Lakes (North America),Water quality management-- Saint Lawrence River Watershed.

5. Worship and the parish church in early modern Britain /
Author: edited by Natalie Mears, Alec Ryrie
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Public worship-- Great Britain-- History-- 16th century,Public worship-- Great Britain-- History-- 17th century,Worship-- History-- 16th century,Worship-- History-- 17th century,Great Britain, Church history, 16th century,Great Britain, Church history, 17th century, 0, 0
Classification :