401. Niʻmatnāmah-yi Nāṣiruddīn Shāhī.,0415325293 (Paperba
Author: translated by Norah M. Titley. ,edited by Frederick W. Kagan and Christian Kubik.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

403. Penal populism, sentencing councils and se
Author: editors, Arie Freiberg, Karen Gelb.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Subject: Child labour in a globalized world :

404. Pictorial Essay,ایران اسلام رسپوبلیکاسی ایله آذربایجان رسپوبلیکاسی آراسیندا اقتصادی و سیاسی مناسیبتلر ۱۹۹۱-۱۹۹۷
Author: 2009021500677nam1 22001692i 450 001000700000020002100007100004500028101000800073200016000081210014000241215000900381300004500390801003300435930001800468932000800486910001300494608032 ,20090214 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

405. "Published in association with the USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School b
Author: edited by Nancy Snow, Philip M. Taylor.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

406. Qum
Author: \ Written by Taaj Langroodi
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

407. Rights, legal empowerment, and poverty : an overview of the issues / Dan Banik -- The political economy of legal empowerment of the poor / Arjun Sengupta -- Legal empowerment as a new concept in development : transforming good ideas into global action / Mona Elisabeth Brøther -- Constitutionalism in an insurgent state : rethinking legal empowerment of the poor in a divided Bolivia / John-Andrew McNeish -- Poverty, legal activism, and development in rural China / Susanne Brandtstädter -- The access to justice challenge in Uganda / Donald Rukare -- Legal empowerment and the right to food / Marc Cohen and Mary Ashby Brown -- Are Africans cul
Author: edited by Dan Banik.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

408. Saints, goddesses, and kings
Author: / Susan Bayly
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Classification :

410. Studies in Islamic culture in the Indian environment
پدیدآورنده : by Aziz Ahmad
موضوع : Muslims - India,India - Civilization,Islam - India
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
411. Teaching with Global politics, a new introduction -- Introduction / Jenny Edkins, Maja Zehfuss -- How do we begin to think about the world? / Véronique Pin-Fat -- What happens if we don't think in human terms? / Simon Dalby -- Who do we think we are? / Annick T.R. Wibben -- How do religious beliefs affect politics? / Peter Mandaville -- Why do we obey? / Jenny Edkins -- How do we find out what's going on in the world? / Debbie Lisle -- Why is people's movement restricted? / Roxanne Lynn Doty -- Why is the world divided territorially? / Stuart Elden -- How does the nation-state work? / Michael J. Shapiro -- Do colonialism and slavery belong to the past? / Kate Manzo -- How is the world organized economically? / V. Spike Pe
Author: edited by Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

412. The Arab Middle East / Martin Bunton -- West Africa / David Owusu-Ansah -- East Africa / Valerie J. Hoffman -- Turkey / Markus Dressler -- Iran / Elton L. Daniel -- Central Asia / Devin DeWeese -- Southeast Asia / Nelly van Doorn-Harder -- Europe / John R. Bowen -- The Diaspora in the West / Amir Hussain -- The Quran / Gordon Nickel and Andrew Rippin -- Muhammad / Michael Lecker -- Sunni law / Robert Gleave -- Theology : freewill and predestination / Suleiman Ali Mourad -- Ritual life / Zayn Kassam -- Rites of Passage / Zayn Kassam -- Sufism / Art Buehler -- Shi'ism / William Shepard -- Relations with other religions / David Thomas -- The Arabic language / Mustafa Shah -- Philosophy / Oliver Leaman -- The scientific tradition / George Saliba -- Education / Jeffrey C. Burke -- The transmission of knowledge / Paul L. Heck -- Travel / David Waines -- 'Abd al-Jabbar / Gabriel Said Reynolds -- Na'im al-Mulk / Neguin Yevari -- Al-Ghazali / Frank Griffel -- Ibn 'Arabi / Sajjad H. Ri
Author: [edited by] Andrew Rippin.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

413. <The> Borders of Islam
Author: \ edited by Stig Jarle Hansen, Atle Mesy, Tuncay Kardas.
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Huntington,هانتینگتون,, Samuel P.,، ساموئل پی.,، ۱۹۲۷ - ۲۰۰۸ م.,a01,a01,ba,East and West,Islamic civilization,شرق و غرب,تمدن اسلامی,a04,a06,a04,a06,Islam -- Relations,اسلام و ادیان دیگر
Classification :

414. <The> Persian Gulf adminstration reports,BL,Berlin
Author: / ..which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co ,\ Saeed Mahmoodian ,\ ; Martin Ritli
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

415. The call of Bilal :
Author: Edward E. Curtis IV, the University of North Carolina Press.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ,Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ.,Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ.,African diaspora.,Islam-- Africa.,Muslims-- Non-Islamic countries.,African diaspora.,African diaspora.,Afrikaner,Diaspora,Islam,Islam-- Africa.,Islam.,Muslim,Muslims-- Non-Islamic countries.,Muslims.,Religionsausübung,Africa.,Non-Islamic countries., 7, 7
Classification :

416. The call of Bilal :
Author: Edward E. Curtis IV, the University of North Carolina Press.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ,Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ.,Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ.,African diaspora.,Islam-- Africa.,Muslims-- Non-Islamic countries.,African diaspora.,African diaspora.,Afrikaner,Diaspora,Islam,Islam-- Africa.,Islam.,Muslim,Muslims-- Non-Islamic countries.,Muslims.,Religionsausübung,Africa.,Non-Islamic countries., 7, 7
Classification :

417. The challenge of Eurocentrism :
Author: edited by Rajani Kannepalli Kanth ; with the assistance of Amit Basole.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Civilization, Modern-- European influences.,Eurocentrism.,Postcolonialism.,15.50 general world history; history of great parts of the world, peoples, civilizations: general.,Civilization, Modern-- European influences.,Eurocentrism.,Eurocentrism.,Eurocentrisme.,Eurozentrismus.,Kulturhistoria-- europeiska influenser.,Postcolonialism.,Postkolonialism.,Postkolonialisme.,Postkolonialismus.
Classification :

418. <The> crisis of global environmental governan
Author: 20090527 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

419. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
Author: James A. Keller.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

420. Three questions of justice -- What is the special moral importance of health? -- When are health inequalities unjust? The social determinants of health -- How can we meet health needs fairly when we can't meet them all? Accountability for reasonable resource allocation -- What do we owe each other? Implications of an integrated theory -- Global aging and intergenerational equity -- Consent to workplace risk and health protection -- Medical professionalism and the care we s
Author: Norman Daniels.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)