821. The frontal lobes and neuropsychiatric illness /
Author: edited by Stephen P. Salloway, Paul F. Malloy, James D. Duffy.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Frontal lobes-- Pathophysiology.,Neurobehavioral disorders.,Brain Diseases-- physiopathology.,Frontal Lobe-- physiopathology.,Mental Disorders-- physiopathology.,Lobes frontaux-- Physiopathologie.,Troubles mentaux organiques.,44.90 neurology.,44.91 psychiatry, psychopathology.,Krankheit,Lobus frontalis cerebri.,Neurobehavioral disorders.,Neuropsychiatrie,Neuropsychiatrie.,Stirnhirn
Classification :

822. The global Trump :
Author: Paul J.J. Welfens.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Populism-- United States.,Economic policy.,International economic relations.,Populism.,United States, Economic policy, 2009-,United States, Foreign economic relations.,United States., 0, 0, 7
Classification :

823. The immune response to infection /
Author: edited by Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Barry T. Rouse, David L. Sacks.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Immune response.,Adaptive Immunity-- immunology.,Host-Pathogen Interactions-- immunology.,Immunity, Innate-- immunology.,Infection-- immunology.
Classification :

824. The impact and regional studies /
Author: Barry R. Chiswick, Paul W. Miller
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Emigration and immigration-- Economic aspects,Emigration and immigration-- Government policy
Classification :

825. The looniest limerick book in the world /
Author: by Joseph Rosenbloom ; illustrations by Sanford Hoffman.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Limericks, Juvenile.,Limericks.,Limericks, Juvenile.
Classification :

826. The new encyclopedia of Southern culture.
Author: M. Thomas Inge, volume editor
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: American literature-- Southern States, Encyclopedias,Southern States, In literature, Encyclopedias,Southern States, Intellectual life, Encyclopedias, 0, 0
Classification :

827. The organization of the future 2 :
Author: Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Industrial organization.,Management.,Organizational change.,Organizational effectiveness.,Förändringsarbete.,Industrial organization.,Industrial organization.,Management,Management.,Management.,Management.,Organisation-- Wandel.,Organisation.,Organisationsentwicklung,Organizational change.,Organizational change.,Organizational effectiveness.,Organizational effectiveness.,Qbaa.,Unternehmen,Unternehmensentwicklung
Classification :

828. The philosophy of creativity :
Author: edited by Elliot Samuel Paul and Scott Barry Kaufman.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.),Creative ability.,Philosophy.,Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.),Creative ability.,Philosophy.
Classification :

829. The psychology of conflict and conflict management in organizations /
Author: edited by Carsten K.W. De Dreu, Michele J. Gelfland
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Conflict management

830. The revolution :
Author: Ron Paul.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Paul, Ron,1935-,Paul, Ron,1935-,Presidential candidates-- United States.,Presidents-- United States-- Election-- 2008.,Politics and government,Presidential candidates.,Presidents-- Election.,United States, Politics and government, 2001-2009.,United States, Politics and government, Philosophy.,United States., 0, 0, 7
Classification :

831. The roots of reading comprehension instruction / P. David Pearson -- The development of children's reading comprehension / Scott G. Paris and Ellen E. Hamilton -- In search of the "simple view" of reading comprehension / James V. Hoffman -- Identifying and describing constructively responsive comprehension strategies in new and traditional forms of reading / Peter Afflerbach and Byeong-Young Cho -- Helping readers make sense of print : research that supports a whole language pedagogy / Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman -- The role of cognitive flexibility in reading comprehension : past, present, and future / Kelly B. Cartwright -- Ways of meaning making : sociocultural perspectives on reading comprehension / James Gavelek and Patrick Bresnahan -- Transactional theory and critical theory in reading comprehension / James S. Damico, Gerald Campano, and Jerome C. Harste -- Grounding reading comprehension in the neuroscience literatures / George G. Hruby -- Text comprehension : a retrospective, perspective, and prospective / Emily Fox and Patricia A. Alexander -- Disciplinary comprehension / Cynthia Shanahan -- The agency and artistry of meaning makers within and across digital spaces / Robert J. Tierney -- Comprehension and computer technology : past results, current knowledge, and future promises / Michael L. Kamil and Helen Kim Chou -- Motivation and reading comprehension / Samuel D. Miller and Beverly S. Faircloth -- Vocabulary and reading comprehension : the nexus of meaning / James F. Baumann -- Cognitive strategy instruction / Janice A. Dole, Jeffery D. Nokes, and Dina Drits -- Metacognitive processes and reading comprehension / Linda Baker and Lisa Carter Beall -- Self-regulated comprehension / Dixie D. Massey -- Formal and informal measures of reading comprehension / Lauren Leslie and Joanne Caldwell -- Assessing comprehension of young children / Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl -- Approaches to teaching reading comprehension / Taffy E. Raphael ... [et al.] -- Comprehension and discussion of text / Janice F. Almasi and Keli Garas-York -- Comprehension instruction in kindergarten through grade three / Cathy Collins Block and Jan Lacina -- Developing higher order comprehension in the middle grades / Ruth Wharton-McDonald and Shannon Swiger -- Improving adolescent comprehension : developing comprehension strategies in the content areas / Mark W. Conley -- Comprehension difficulties among struggling readers / Richard L. Allington and Ann McGill-Franzen -- Reading comprehension and diversity in historical perspective : literacy, power, and native Hawaiians / Kathryn H. Au and Julie Kaomea -- Culturally relevant pedagogy and reading comprehension / Colleen M. Fairbanks ... [et al.] -- Reading comprehension and English language learners / Kathryn Prater -- Family literacy and reading comprehension / Patricia A. Edwards and Jennifer D. Turner -- Improving comprehension instruction through quality professional development / Misty Sailors -- Public policy and the future of reading comprehension research / Cathy Roller -- Where to from here? : themes, trends, and questions / Gerald G. Duffy ... [et al.]. 0
Author: edited by Susan E. Israel, Gerald G. Duffy.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

832. The sociology of Norbert Elias /
Author: edited by Steven Loyal and Stephen Quilley.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Elias, Norbert.,Elias, Norbert.,Elias, Norbert,1897-1990.,Elias, Norbert,1897-1990.,Civilization, Modern.,Historical sociology.,Self-consciousness (Awareness),Social structure.,Civilisation moderne et contemporaine.,Conscience de soi.,Sociologie historique.,Structure sociale.,Civilisation moderne.,Civilization, Modern.,Conscience de soi.,Figuratiesociologie.,Historical sociology.,Self-consciousness (Awareness),SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Anthropology-- General.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Regional Studies.,Social structure.,Sociologen.,Sociologie historique.,Structure sociale.
Classification :

833. The superpowers -- "The Arabs are coming!" -- "Jihad!" -- The co-opted caliphate and the stumbling Jihad -- The year 711 -- Picking up the pieces after Rome -- The myth of Poitiers -- The fall and rise of the Umayyads -- Saving the popes -- An empire of force and faith -- Carolingian Jihads: Roncesvalles and Saxony -- The great mosque -- The first Europe, briefly -- Equipoise--delicate and doomed -- Disequilibrium Pelayo's revenge -- Knowledge transmitted, rationa
Author: David Levering Lewis.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

834. The vaccine book
Author: / edited by Barry R. Bloom, Paul-Henri Lambert
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Vaccines- immunology,Immunization,Immunologic Diseases- prevention and control,Drug Design

835. <The> vaccine book
Author: edited by Barry R. Bloom, Paul-Henri Lambert
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Subject: Vaccines
Classification :

836. The vanishing rouble :
Author: edited by Paul Seabright
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Barter-- Former Soviet republics,Informal sector (Economics)-- Former Soviet republics,Former Soviet republics, Commerce, 0
Classification :

837. Theorizing film acting /
Author: edited by Aaron Taylor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Motion picture acting.

838. Topics in the theory of numbers
پدیدآورنده : Paul Erdos, Janos Suranyi
موضوع : Number theory
۳ نسخه از این کتاب در ۳ کتابخانه موجود است.
839. Topics in the theory of numbers
Author: Erdos, Paul, 3191-6991
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Number theory
Classification :

840. Topics in the theory of numbers
Author: Erdos, Paul
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Khorasan Razavi)
Subject: ، Number theory
Classification :