1. Exploring the New Testament
Author: david wenham & steve walton
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Bible. New Testament-- Textbooks.,کتاب مقدس -- عهد جدید -- کتابهای درسی
Classification :

2. Exploring the New Testament.
Author: David Wenham & Steve Walton.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bible., New Testament

3. Leadership and lifestyle :
Author: Steve Walton.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Paul,Paul,Paul,Paul,(0005?-0067?;,Bible., Acts, XX, 18-35-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.,Bible., Thessalonians, 1st-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.,Bible., New Testament., Actes des Apôtres., XX, 18-35-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Bible., New Testament., Thessaloniciens, 1re-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Apostelgeschichte 20,18-35.,Bible., New Testament. Actes-- 20, 18-35-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Bible., New Testament. Epîtres. Paul. Thessaloniciens. 1-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Bible., New Testament., Épîtres, Paul, Thessaloniciens, 1-- Commentaires.,Bible., Thessalonians, 1st.,Leadership-- Biblical teaching.,Leadership-- Enseignement biblique.,Autorité-- Enseignement biblique.,Handelingen der Apostelen (bijbelboek),I Thessalonicenzen (bijbelboek),Leadership-- Biblical teaching.,RELIGION-- Biblical Biography-- New Testament.
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