1. Problems and prospects in international education
Author: David G. Scanlon [and] James J. Shields: editors
Library: Library of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: International education-Addresses, essays, lectures
Classification :

2. <The> Extreme right in France
Author: J. G. Shields
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Front national (France: 1972- ) -- History,Right-wing extremists -- France -- History,France -- Politics and government -- 1940-1945,France -- Politics and government -- 1945-

3. The extreme right in France :
Author: J.G. Shields.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Front national (France : 1972- )-- History.,Front national (France : 1972- ),Front national (France : 1972- ),Front national (France : 1972- ),Right-wing extremists-- France-- History.,Extrémistes de droite-- France-- Histoire.,Högerextremism-- historia-- Frankrike.,Politics and government,Right-wing extremists-- France-- History.,Right-wing extremists.,France, Politics and government, 1940-1945.,France, Politics and government, 1945-,France, Politique et gouvernement, 1940-1945.,France, Politique et gouvernement, 1945-,France, Politics and government, 1940-1945.,France, Politics and government, 1945-,France.,Frankrike, politik och förvaltning., 0, 0, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7
Classification :