1. Jewish exiles and European thought in the shadow of the Third Reich :
Author: David Weinstein, Avihu Zakai.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Auerbach, Erich,1892-1957.,Baron, Hans,1900-1988.,Popper, Karl R., (Karl Raimund),1902-1994.,Strauss, Leo.,Auerbach, Erich,1892-1957.,Baron, Hans,1900-1988.,Popper, Karl R., (Karl Raimund),1902-1994.,Strauss, Leo.,Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945),Jewish philosophy-- 20th century.,Jewish scholars-- Germany.,Philosophy, Modern-- 20th century.,Exil,Jewish philosophy.,Jewish scholars.,Jüdische Philosophie,Nationalsozialismus,Philosophy, Modern.,Germany., 7
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