1. A Critique on Shia Geopolitics Discourse
Author: / Marjan Badiee Azandehie
Library: National Center for Globalization Library (Tehran)

2. A sense of siege : the geopolitics of Islam and the West
پدیدآورنده : Graham E. Fuller and Ian O. Lesser
موضوع : Islam and world politics,Islamic countries - Relations - Europe,Europe - Relations - Islamic countries
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
3. Allies in an Unlikely Place: Colorado, Jamaat Ul-Fuqra, and Islamic Geopolitics in a Pre-9/11 World
Author: Maurer, Josef Harold
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islamic studies,Middle Eastern history,Southeast Asian studies

4. Alvar Aalto: architecture, modernity, and geopolitics
Author: Pelkonen, Eeva-Liisa
Library: Central Library and Documentation Center (Golestan)
Subject: Criticism and interpretation ، Aalto, Alvar, 8981-6791,، Architecture and society,، Regionalism in architecture,، International style )Architecture(
Classification :

5. Andrea Secara, Ignacio Ramonet-The Geopolitics of Chaos (1998).pdf
Library: Central Library Yasuj University (Kohgiluye va Buyer ahmad)

6. Art and geopolitics :
Author: Rinaldi, Juan
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Art and design,Philosophy

7. Asia, America, and the transformation of geopolitics /
Author: William H. Overholt
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: United States -- Foreign relations -- East Asia,East Asia -- Foreign relations -- United States,East Asia -- Politics and government -- 21st century,Geopolitics -- East Asia

8. Asia-Pacific geopolitics
Author: edited by Joseph A. Camilleri ... [et al.]&
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Geopolitics -- Asia,Geopolitics -- Pacific Area,Asia -- Foreign relations -- Pacific Area,Pacific Area -- Foreign relations -- Asia
Classification :

9. Asia-Pacific geopolitics
Author: / edited by Joseph A. Camilleri ... [et al.]
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Geopolitics - Asia,Geopolitics - Pacific Area,Asia - Foreign relations - Pacific Area,Pacific Area - Foreign relations - Asia,سیاست جغرافیایی - آسیا
Classification :

10. Asia - pacific Geopolitics
Author: /Joseph A.Camilleri,... etc.
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)

11. Aspirations and Anxieties: The Neoliberal Geopolitics of the NIC
Library: National Center for Globalization Library (Tehran)
Subject: Political science

12. Astropolitik :classical geopolitics in the Space Age
پدیدآورنده : Everett C. Dolman
موضوع : Geopolitics,Astronautics- Government policy,Astronautics- International cooperation,Space industrialization- Political aspects,Space industrialization- Law and legislation,Astronautics, Military- Government policy,Outer space- Exploration Political aspects
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
13. Avian Flu and Embodied Global Imagery: A Study of Pandemic Geopolitics in the Media
Author: / Mika Aaltola
Library: National Center for Globalization Library (Tehran)

14. Benno Teschke-The Myth of 1648_ Class, Geopolitics, and the Making of Modern International Relations-Verso (2009).djvu
Library: Central Library Yasuj University (Kohgiluye va Buyer ahmad)

15. Caribbean geopolitics: toward security through peace?
Author: Andres Serbin; translated by Sabeth Ramirez
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Geopolitics - Caribbean Area,Caribbean Area - Politics and government - 1945-,Caribbean Area - Economic conditions - 1945-,Caribbean Area - Military relations - Foreign countries

16. Checkerboards & shatterbelts :the geopolitics of South America /
Author: Philip Kelly.
Library: Library of Faculty of World Studies University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Geopolitics--South America.,South America--Foreign relations.
Classification :

17. China-Russia relations in Central Asia :energy policy, Beijing's new assertiveness and 21st century geopolitics
Author: Eder, Thomas Stephan.,Thomas Stephan Eder. Eder, Thomas Stephan
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: ، Energy policy - China,، Energy policy - Russia )Federation(,Foreign relations - Russia )Federation( ، China,Foreign relations - China ، Russia )Federation(
Classification :

18. China's place in global geopolitics
Author: /Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard، Bertel Heurlin
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)

19. China's place in global geopolitics : international, regional and domestic challenges
Author: edited by Kjeld Erik Br?dsgaard and Bertel Heurlin
Library: Library of Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Geopolitics-- China-- Congresses,China-- Foreign relations-- 1976-- Congresses,China-- Politics and government-- 1976-- Congresses
Classification :

20. City, war and geopolitics :
Author: Fregonese, Sara
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)