41. A Random walk in relativity and cosmology : essays in honour of P.C. Vaidya and A. K. Raychaudhuri
Author: edited by N. Dadhich ... ]et al.[
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: Addresses, essays, lectures ، General relativity )Physics(,Addresses, essays, lectures ، Cosmology,Addresses, essays, lectures ، Gravitation,، Vaidya, Prahlad Chunilal, 8191-0102,، Raychaudhuri, A. K.

42. A Revolution in biotechnology
Author: edited by Jean L. Marx
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Biotechnology

43. A Short introduction to modal logic
Author: Mints, Grigori E.
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Modality )Logic(

44. A Singular introduction to commutative algebra
Author: Greuel, Gert-Martin, 4491-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Commutative algebra

45. A Source book in Mathematics : 1200-1800
Author: edited by D.J. Struik
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: Early works to 0081 ، Mathematics

46. A Survey of verification techniques for parallel programs
Author: Barringer, Howard, 1591-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Parallel processing )Electronic computers(,، Computer programs -- Verification

47. A Trajectory Description of Quantum Processes
Author: Sanz, Angel S.
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Quantum theory

48. A Treatise on conic sections
Author: Salmon, George, 9181-4091
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Conic sections

49. A Tribute to Emil Grosswald : Number theory and related analysis
Author: Marvin Knopp, Mark Sheingorn, editors
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Number theory,، Combinatorial analysis

50. A Tribute to Paul Erdos
Author: edited by A. Baker, B. Bollobas, A. Hajnal
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Mathematics,، Erdos, Paul, 3191-6991

51. A Turkish and English lexicon : Shewing in English the significations of the Turkish terms
Author: Redhouse, James William, Sir, 1181-2981
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: Dictionaries -- English ، Turkish language

52. A Unified approach to interior point algorithms for linear complementarity problems
Author: M. Kojima...]et al.[
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Programming )Mathematics(,، Linear programming

53. A Unified view of the macro - and the micro-cosmos : First International School on Astroparticle Physics, Erice )sicily, Italy(, January 1987
Author: edited by A. De Rujula, D.V. Nanopoulos, P.A. Shver; orgnised by: Eso and CERN; also sponsored by: Italian Ministry of Education, Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research, Sicilian Regional Government
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: Congresses ، Particles )Nuclear physics(,Congresses ، Microcosm and macrocosm,Congresses ، Cosmology,Congresses ، Astrophysics

54. A1-algebraic topology over a field
Author: Morel, Fabien, 5691-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Algebraic topology,، Homotopy theory

55. A basic course in algebraic topology
Author: Massey, William S.
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Algebraic topology

56. A basic course in partial differential equations
Author: Han, Qing, 4691-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Differential equations, Partial

57. A basic course in probability theory
Author: Bhattacharya, Rabindra Nath, 7391-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Probabilities

58. A beginner's book of tex
Author: Seroul, Raymond
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، TeX )Computer file(,، Computerized typesetting,، Mathematics printing

59. A beginner's guide to discrete mathematics
Author: Wallis, Walter Denis, 1491-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Mathematics,، Computer science -- Mathematics

60. A beginner's guide to graph theory
Author: Wallis, Walter Denis, 1491-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Graph theory