1. Redistribution with growth. policies to improve income distribution in developing countries in the context of economic growth a joint study by the World Bank's Development Research Center and Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
Author: by Hollis chenery [and others]
Library: Library of the Faculty of Economics University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Underdeveloped areas-Economic policy,Underdeveloped areas-Income,Income distribution-Mathematical models
Classification :
2. Redistribution with growth: policies to improve income distribution in developing countries in the context of economic growth: a joint study [commissioned] by the World Bank`s Development Research Center and the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
Author: by Hollis Chenery ... [et al.]
Library: Library of Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Underdeveloped areas-- economic policy,Underdeveloped areas-- Income distribution,Income distribution-- Mathematical models
Classification :
3. Redistribution With growth:Policies to improve income distribution in developing countries in the context of economic growth:a joint study ]commissioned[ by the world Bank's Development Research Center and the institute of Development studies Univer
Author: By Hollis Chenery and ... ]et al[
Library: Library of Faculty of Management of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Underdeveloped areas- Economic policy