1. <The> behavior management hanbook: setting up effective behavior management systems
Author: Thomas Mcintre
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Subject: Problem childern- education- united ststes- hand books, manuals, etc,Learning disabled childern- education- united ststes- hand books, manuals, etc,behavior modification-- united ststes- hand books, manuals, etc,Classroom management- united ststes- hand books, manuals, etc
Classification :
2. The behavior management handbook ;setting up effective behavior management systems
Author: Thomas Mc Intyre
Library: Library of Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Problem children-education-United states-handbooks,manuals,etc,Learning disabled children-education United States-handbooks,manuals,etc,Behavior modification -United states-handbook manuals,etc,Classroom management -United states-handbooks .manuals ,etc