1. The Jeffersonian heritage
Author: /edited, and with anintrod. by Dumas Malone
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)
Subject: جفرسون,Jefferson,، تامس,, Thomas,، ۱۷۴۳ - ۱۸۲۶م.
Classification :

2. The Jeffersonian heritage
Author: Edited, and with an introd. by Dumas Malone; written by Morton Wishengrad... [and others]
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)

3. The Jeffersonian Heritage
Author: edited and with an introd. by Dumas Malone; written by Morton Wishengrad ... [et al.]
Library: Library of Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Jefferson, Thomas, Press., 1743-1823-- Drama
Classification :