Machine generated contents note: Introduction.PART I: ROADMAPS:1. Rey Chow.A Discipline of Tolerance.2. David Ferris.Why Compare?3. David Palumbo-Liu.Method and Congruity.4. Haun Saussy.Comparisons, World Literature, and the Common Denominator.5. Kenneth Surin.Comparative Literature in America: Attempt at a Genealogy.PART II. THEORETICAL DIRECTIONS:6. Stathis Gourgouris.The Poiein of Secular Criticism.7. Eric Hayot.Vanishing Horizons: Problems in the Comparison of China and the West.8. Efrain Kristal.Art and Literature in the Liquid Modern Age: On Richard Wollheim, Zygmunt Bauman and Yves Michaud.9. Michael Lucey.A Literary Object's Contextual Life.10. Sharon Marcus.The Theater of Comparative Literature.PART III: DISCIPLINARY INTERSECTIONS:11. Jorge Coronado.What Pictures Tell Us about the Letter: Visual and Literary Practices in Latin America.12. Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller.If there's a text in this class, where did it come from? Or, what does Marilyn Monroe have to do with The Sorrows of Young Man Werther?13. Todd Presner.Comparative Literature in the Age of Digital Humanities: On Possible Futures for a Discipline.14. Zoèe Norridge.Comparing pain: theoretical explorations of suffering and working towards the particular.15. Gisلele Sapiro.Comparativism, Transfers, Entangled History: Sociological Perspectives on Literature.PART IV: LINGUISTIC TRAJECTORIES:16. Cathy Caruth.Orphaned Language: Traumatic Crossings in Literature and History.17. Simon Gikandi.Contested Grammars