An introduction to process algebra / J.A. Bergstra, J.W. Klop -- Two simple protocols / F.W. Vaandrager -- Proving mutual exclusion with process algebra / E.R. Nieuwland -- Process algebra as a tool for the specification and verification of CIM-architectures / S. Mauw -- A process creation mechanism in process algebra / J.A. Bergstra -- Correctness proofs for systolic algorithms : palindromes and sorting / L. Kossen, W.P. Weijland -- Verification of an algorithm for log-time sorting by square comparison / J.C. Mulder, W.P. Weijland -- On the Amoeba protocol / J.C. Mulder -- Process algebra semantics of POOL ; Some observations on redundancy in a context / F.W. Vaandrager -- A modular approach to protocol verification using process algebra / C.P.J. Koymans, J.C. Mulder.