Fracture mechanics;Seventeenth National Symposium of fracture mechanics Sponsored by ASTM committee E - 24 on fracture testing Albany. New York, 7-9 August 1984
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
/ J. H. Underwood , U.S.Army Armament Research & Development Center , R. Chait , U.S.Army Materials & Mechanics Research Center , C. W. Smith Virginia Polytechnic Institue & State Univers , D. P. Wilhem , North Aircrabt , W. A. Andrews , General electric Company , and J. C. Newman , NASA Langley Research Center , ASTM Publication cod number ( PCN ) 04 - 905000 - 30
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)