Title from e-book title screen (viewed October 5, 2007).
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Originally pub.: London : Routledge, 2003.
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GMD: electronic resource.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Exploring the cultural and political landscape of child sexual abuse -- Feminism's restless undead: the radical/lesbian/victim theorist and conflicts over sexual violence against children and women / Chris Atmore -- Childhood, sexual abuse and contemporary political subjectivities / Erica Burman -- Problems of cultural imperialism in the study of child sexual abuse / Ann Levett -- Traumatic revisions: remembering abuse and the politics of forgiveness / Janice Haaken -- Creating discourses of 'false memory': media coverage and production dynamics / Jenny Kitzinger -- The vigilant(e) parent and the paedophile: the News of the World campaign 2000 and the contemporary governmentality of child sexual abuse / Vikki Bell -- How we theorise and intervene in the lives of women who have experienced child sexual abuse -- The 'harm' story in childhood sexual abuse: contested understandings, disputed knowledges / Lindsay O'Dell -- When past meets present to produce a sexual 'other': examining professional and everyday narratives of child sexual abuse and sexuality / Paula Reavey -- Diagnosing distress and reproducing disorder: women, child sexual abuse and 'borderline personality disorder' / Sam Warner, Tracy Wilkins -- Writing the effects of sexual abuse: interrogating the possibilities and pitfalls of using clinical psychology expertise for a critical justice agenda / Nicola Gavey -- Working at being survivors: identity, gender and participation in self-help groups / Marcia Worrell -- Disrupting identity through Visible Therapy: a feminist post-structuralist approach to working with women who have experienced child sexual abuse / Sam Warner.