Title from e-book title screen (viewed October 15, 2007).
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GMD: electronic resource.
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 250-264) and index.
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The Story -- 'We Are Beaten' -- 16 May 1940: Churchill in Paris -- The Mysterious General Gamelin -- 'Ready for War': Tanks and Guns -- The Air Force -- French Military Doctrine: 'Retired on Mount Sinai'? -- Fighting in Belgium: The Dyle Plan -- The Matador's Cloak -- The Allied Order of Battle -- 10-15 May: Into Belgium -- 10-12 May: Through the Ardennes -- 13 May: The Germans Cross the Meuse -- 14-15 May: The Counter-attack Fails: The Tragic Fate of the Three DCRs -- 17-18 May: The Tortoise Head -- 19-20 May: 'Without Wishing to Intervene...': The End of Gamelin -- Uneasy Allies -- 21 May 1940: Weygand in Ypres -- Looking for Allies: 1920-1938 -- Elusive Albion: Britain and France 1919-1939 -- The Alliance That Never Was -- Gamelin's Disappointments: Poland, Belgium, Britain -- Britain and France in the Phoney War -- 10-22 May: 'Allied to so Temperamental a Race' -- 22-25 May: The 'Weygand Plan' -- The Belgian Capitulation -- 26 May-4 June: Operation Dynamo -- After Dunkirk: 'In Mourning For Us' -- The Politics of Defeat -- 12 June 1940: Paul Reynaud at Cange (Loire) -- The French Civil War -- 'Rather Hitler than Blum?' -- April 1938-September 1939: The Daladier Government -- Daladier at War -- Reynaud v. Daladier -- Reynaud at War -- 25-28 May: Weygand's Proposal -- 29 May-9 June: Reynaud's Alternative -- 12-16 June: Reynaud v. Weygand -- 16 June: Reynaud's Resignation -- The French People at War -- 17 June 1940: Georges Friedmann in Niort -- Remembering 1914 -- A Pacifist Nation -- Going to War: 'Something between Resolution and Resignation' -- Phoney War Blues -- Why Are We Fighting? -- The French Army in 1940 -- Soldiers at War I: 'Confident and Full of Hope' -- Soldiers at War II: 'The Germans Are at Bulson' (13 May) -- Soldiers at War III: The 'Molecular Disintegration' of the 71DI -- The Exodus -- Soldiers at War IV: 'Sans esprit de recul' (5-10 June) -- Causes, Consequences, and Counterfactuals -- Causes and Counterfactuals -- July 1940: Marc Bloch in Gueret -- Historians and the Defeat -- Counterfactuals I: 1914 -- Counterfactuals II: Britain's Finest Hour -- The Other Side of the Hill: Germany -- Explaining Defeat: 'Moving in a Kind of Fog' -- Army and Society -- Consequences -- June 1940: Francois Mitterrand at Verdun: 'No Need to Say More' -- Vichy: The Lessons of Defeat -- 'Fulcrum of the Twentieth Century' -- Gaullism and 1940 -- National Renewal after 1945 -- 1940 and Colonial Nostalgia -- 1940 Today.