The Ta`rikh -i- Jahan - gusha of Ala `u` Din A`ta Malik-i- Juwayni ( composed in A.H. 658-A.D. 1260)
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
/ Edited with an introduction, notes and indices from several Old mss. by Mirza Muhammad ibn `Abdu`l - Wahhabi- Qazwini, and printed for the Trustees of the " E.J. W. Gibb memorial"
Added .t.p. : کتاب تاریخ جهانگشای تالیف علاءالدین عطاملک بن بهاالدین محمد بن محمد جوینی در سنه ۶۵۸ ه. بسطی و اهتمام و تصحیح محمدبن عبدالوهاب قزوینی بانضمام حواشی و فهارس
Text of Note
pt.1. chingis Khan and his successors.- pt.2. The Khwarazmshah dynasty.- pt.3. Mangd Qa`an, Hulagd and the Isma`il