" First published December 1920 . . . Published in Pelican Books 1937; reprinted January 1940. "
Text of Note
Art and life. - - An essay in aesthetics. - - Th ottoman and the whatnot. The artist's vision. - - Art and Socialism. - - Art and science. - - The art of Bushmen. - - Negro sculpture. - - Ancient American art. - - The Munich exhibition of Islamic art. - - Giotto. - - The art of Fiorence. - - The Jacquemart - - Andre' collection. - - Durer and his contemporaries. - - El Greco. - - Three pictures in t era by William Blake. - - Claude. - - Aubrey Beardsley's drawings. - - The French post - impressionists. - - Drawings at the Burlington fine arts clubs. - - Paul Cezanne. - - Ronoir. - - Apossible domestic architecture. - - Jean Marchand. - - Retrospect.