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Text of Note
Ototoxicity/ Peter S. Roland.- Tinnitus: therory and management/ James B. Snow.-Color atlas of otoscopy/ Mario Sanna.-tinnitus rehabilitation therapy/ Pawel J. Jastreboff.-Audiology neurotology/ Bernard Fraysse.- Acoustic communication/ Andrea Megela Simmons.- Genetic hearing impairment/ Cor W.R.J. Cremers.- Audiotory mechanisms/ Alfred L. Nuttall.-Autiotory signal processing/ daniel pressnitzer.- Ear surgery/ Richard R. Gacek.- Clinical neurophysiology of the vestibular system/ Robert W. Balon.- Compression/ Sid P. Baron.-Development of the inner ear/ Matthew W. Kelley.-EEG signal processing/ Saeid Sanei.- Introduction to electrophysiological methods and instrumentation/ Franklin Bretschnider.- Genetics and audiotory disorders/ Bronya J.B. Keats.- Instrumentation/ T. Bewell Decker.- Middle ear surgery/ Henning Hidmann.- Perceptual coherence/ Stepen Handel.- Studies in computational intelligence.- signals & systems/ Alan V. Oppenheim.- Sound source localization/ Arthur N. Popper.- springer handbook of acoustics.- Chronic otitis media/ Bernard Ars.- Handbook of psycholinguistic/ Matthew J. Traxter.- The handbook of speech perception/ David B. Pison.- The neruoscience of language/ Friedemann Pulvermuller.- The vestibular system/ Stephen M. Highstein.- Tinnitus/ Berthold Langguth.- Occupational audiometry/ Marryanne Maltby.- Vestibular dysfunction and its therapy/ U. Buttner.- Hearing/ Birger Kollmeier.- A Coustics for audiology/ Peter Haughton.- Cochlear and brainstem implants/ W. Arnold.- a Authoring a phd/ Patrick Dunleavy.- Advances in the spoken language development of deaf and hard of hearing children/ Patricia Elizabeth Spencer.- Atlas of functional neuroanatomy/ Walter J. Hendelman.- Baby boomers and hearing loss/ John M. burkey.- Biophysics of the cochlea/ A.W. Gummer.- Brodmans`s localisation in the cerebral ontex/ LaurenceJ. Garey.- /cochlear implants/ Graeme clark.- Cochlear implants: a practical Guide/ Hum R. Cooper.- Aural rehabilitation for people with disabilities/ John M.A. Oyiborhoro.- Hearing/ aage R. Moller.- Psychoacoustic: facts and methods.- Noise and hearing/ Ronald Hinchcliffe.- development of audiotory and vestibular system.- The pathology of viral neruopathies in the temporal bone/ R.R. Gacek.- Transcranial magnetic stimulation/ Vincent Walsh.- The human nervous system/ Charles R. Noback.- Glasscock shambough surgery of the ear/ Michael E. Glasscock.- The Psychology of language/ Trevor Harley.- Paediatric audiological medicine/ Valerie E. Newton.- Occupational hearing loss/ Robert Thayer Sataloff.- Noise andmilitary service/ Larry E. Humes.- Infection and hearing impairment/ Valerie E. Neuton.- Hearing loss/ Robert T. Sataloff.- Hearing/ Brain C.J. Moore.- Hair cell/ Charles I. Berlin.- Geriatric Otolaryngology/ Karen H. Calhoun