Includes bibliographical references (p. [359]-398) and index
Text of Note
Early national politics and power, 1800-1824 / Robert M.S. McDonald -- The Jacksonian era, 1825-1844 / Jonathan Atkins -- The sectionalization of politics, 1845-1860 / John Ashworth -- Civil War and reconstruction, 1861-1877 / Vernon Burton -- The gilded age, 1878-1900 / Robert W. Cherny, William L. Barney -- American law in the nineteenth century / John E. Semonche -- American expansion, 1800-1867 / John M. Belohlavek -- The global emergence of the United States, 1867-1900 / Eric Rauchway -- The emergence of a market economy before 1860 / Stanley L. Engerman and Robert E. Gallman --Industrialization and the rise of corporations, 1860-1900 / David B. Sicilia -- Urbanization / Timothy J. Gilfoyle -- The development of the working classes / Kevin Kenny -- The evolution of the middle class / Cindy S. Aron -- African Americans / Donald R. Wright -- Native-American history / Michael D. Green and Theda Perdue -- Gender and the changing roles of women / Laura F. Edwards -- Immigration and ethnicity / Nora Faires -- The south: from old to new / Stephen W. Berry -- The middle west / Andrew R.L. Cayton -- The relational west / Molly P. Rozum -- The communications revolution and popular culture / David Hochfelder -- Interpreting American religion / Catherine A. Brekus -- Science and technology / Alan I. Marcus -- A history/historiography of representations of America / Barbara Groseclose
United States -- History - 1783-1865
United States -- History - 1783-1865 Historiography
United States -- History - 1865-1898
United States -- History - 1865-1898 Historiography