Includes bibliographical references )p. ]196[-208( and index.
Text of Note
Mats Alvesson
Text of Note
Text of Note
Text of Note
Machine generated contents note: 1 The Concept of Organizational Culture 1 -- The meaning)s( of culture 3 -- Some comments on the contemporary interest in -- organizational culture 6 -- Cognitive interests 8 -- Objectives of this book 21 -- Summary 41 -- 2 Culture as a Metaphor and Metaphors for Culture 61 -- The metaphor concept 61 -- Metaphors in social science - nuisance or breakthroughs? 91 -- Metaphors - some problems 22 -- Culture as critical variable versus culture as root metaphor 42 -- Metaphors for culture 92 -- Summary 83 -- 3 Organizational Culture and Performance 24 -- The dominance of instrumental values 34 -- Approaches to the culture-performance relationship 74 -- The culture-performance relationship 35 -- Does culture cause anything? The problems of -- separating culture and other phenomena 65 -- Positive and less positive outcomes of corporate culture: -- a case study 85 -- The ambiguity of performance: blame time and milking 46 -- Conclusion 76 -- 4 Organizational Culture and Business Administration 17 -- Organizational culture and the business concept 17 -- Corporate strategy 77 -- Organizational culture and marketing 08 -- Other subfields: networks, rationalizations and -- performance indicators 88 -- Conclusion 19 -- 5 Leadership and Organizational Culture 39 -- What is leadership? 39 -- Varieties of leadership 001 -- Leadership in the context of organizational culture 501 -- A case of initiator-leadership and follower-leadership 801 -- Summary and conclusions 411 -- 6 Culture as Constraint: An Emancipatory Approach 811 -- Culture as a counterforce to variation and autonomy 911 -- Culture and power 021 -- Culture as a source of taken-for-granted assumptions 621 -- Gender and organizational culture 231 -- Ethical closure in organizations 631 -- Corporate culture and closure at Pepsi Cola 931 -- Conclusion: Methodology for critical inquiry 241 -- 7 Multiple-level Shaping and Ambiguity of Culture 541 -- The appeal of 'pure' symbolism uncoupled from -- material practice 541 -- Taking work and social interaction into account 741 -- Conceptualizations of culture in terms of social level 351 -- Ambiguity and contradiction: a plurality of values -- and commitments 061 -- Summary 661 -- 8 Cultural Change and Conclusions 071 -- Reminder of the ambitions of this book 071 -- Against the trivialization of 'managing culture' 171 -- Managing culture 471 -- Organizational cultural change as a grand project, -- as organic movement or the re-framing of everyday life? 771 -- Working with change 181 -- A framework for thinking culturally of -- management and organization 681 -- Multiple cultural configurations and cultural traffic 091 -- Prospects 391.