Text of Note
Text of Note
Introducing the emotional organization / Stephen Fineman -- Emotional arenas. The hospital -- Me, morphine and humanity: experiencing the emotional community on Ward 8 / Sharon Bolton -- The prison. Power, paradox, social support and prestige: a critical approach to addressing correctional officer burnout / Sarah Tracy -- Crisis work. Rape work: emotional dilemmas in work with victims / Patricia Yancey Martin, Douglas Schrock, Margaret Leaf, and Carmen von Rohr -- The recreation centre. In the gym: peer pressure and emotion management among co-workers / Mary Haman and Linda Putman -- The job centre. Abuse, violence, and fear on the front line: implications for the rise of the enchanting myth of customer sovereignty / Marek Korczynski and Victoria Bishop -- The call centre. Enactments of class and nationality in transnational call centres / Kiran Mirchandani -- Web work. The gendering of emotions and perceived work time: chicks and geeks at / Nicole L. Kangas and Debra E. Meyerson -- Homeworking. Managing the boundaries of telework / Gill Musson and Katy Marsh -- Consultancy. Management consultancy and humour in action and context / Andrew Sturdy, Timothy Clark, Robin Fincham, and Karen Handley -- Shifting identities. Becoming a successful corporate character and the role of emotion management / Caroline hatcher -- Gender and the emotion politics of emotional intelligence / Stephanie A. Shields and Leah R. Warner -- Feeling out of place? towards the transnationalizations of emotions / Jeff Hearn -- It's all too beautiful: emotion and organization in the aesthetic economy / Philip Hancock and Melissa Tyler -- Epilogue / Stephen Fineman.