بررسی تاثیر مراقبت معنوی گروهی بر سازگاری زناشویی معتادان مراجعه کننده به انجمن معتادان گمنام اصفهان و همسران آنها در سال ۱۳۹۱
General Material Designation
Parallel Title Proper
Asessing the effect of group spiritual care on marital adjustment of the addict in Isfahan NA groups and their couples in 2012
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی university of social welfare and rehabilitation))
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
، ۱۳۹۱
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Text of Note
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
کارشناسی ارشد
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پرستاری nursing
Date of degree
Body granting the degree
علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی university of social welfare and rehabilitation))
Text of Note
Background and Objective of the Study In our society, a little research has been conducted on addicts traumatic families. It is essential that introduce strategies to control such families traumatic conditions. Thus, the present study intends to investigate the effect of group spiritual care on Marital Adjustment of the addicts in Isfahan NA groups and their couples in 1391. Method The present quasi-experimental research including an experimental and a control group was conducted among the addicts in Isfahan NA groups and their couples. Based on random sampling of the participants through several stages and consideration of the presupposed entrance characteristics of population, 140 participants (70 couples) took part in the study and finally after participants attrition, 124 participants (62 couples) were remained. The research instrument was the questionnaire based on the demographic information of the participants and the DAS (Spanir, 1976). To localize the questionnaire among the Iranian addicts and their couples, the face and content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated applying Lawshe method and by 11 university faculty members. The internal correlation and the reliability of the questionnaire were evaluated by calculating the Cronbachs Alpha and the test-retest technique, respectively. The intervention design of this research was a group spiritual care intervention which was prepared based on the experts comments and adopted from the nursing resources and conducted during 8 ninety-minute sessions. The SPSS 16 software and Independent T-tests, Variance Analysis on two variables with repeated measuring on each variable, and the Tukey Test if the f value was significant, was used in this study to analyze the data. Results The results indicated that the Marital Adjustment and all of its dimensions which are Dyadic Satisfaction, Dyadic Cohesion, Dyadic Consensus, and Affectional Expression in the addicts and their couples were increased after receiving the group spiritual care. The increase is more significant in the experimental group and in Dyadic Satisfaction dimension in comparison with Dyadic Cohesion, Dyadic Consensus, and Affectional Expression in the same group and it is also more significant in all dimensions in the control group. But the effect of spiritual care was the same regarding the other dimensions of the Marital Adjustment in the two groups of the addicts and their couples. Discussion The results of the present study show that group spiritual care increases the Marital Adjustment and all of its dimensions between addicts and their couples in experimental group in comparison with those in the control group. Thus, it can be concluded that group spiritual care by the nurses, who are the most available members of health system as well as being knowledgeable in this regard, are recognized as a functional strategy to control the addicts families traumatic conditions and to increase the Marital adjustment of the addicts and their couples. It can be suggested that the results of this research should be reported to other NA centers in order to present spiritual care to their clients. Key words: Spiritual Care, Marital Adjustment, Addict, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Groups
Parallel Title
Asessing the effect of group spiritual care on marital adjustment of the addict in Isfahan NA groups and their couples in 2012