Blending play therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy :evidence-based and other effective treatments and techniques
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
/edited by Athena A. Drewes
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Hoboken, N.J.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: John Wiley & Sons
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, c2009
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxiii, 520 p.
Other Physical Details
:ill. ;25 cm
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Text of Note
The role of play within cognitive-behavioral therapy for aggressive children : the coping power program / John E. Lochman, Caroline Boxmeyer, and Nicole Powell -- Innovation and integration : parent-child interaction therapy as play therapy / Anthony J. Urquiza, Nancy M. Zebell, and Dawn Blacker -- Primary project : fifty years of facilitating school adjustment / Stephen P. Demanchick, Mary Anne Peabody, and Deborah B. Johnson -- Child-parent psychotherapy / Alicia F. Lieberman and Lisa R. Inman -- Filial therapy : theoretical integration, empirical validation, and practical application / Risèe VanFleet -- Kinder training : an Adlerian-based model to enhance teacher-student relationships / JoAnna White and Lauren Stern Wynne -- Sandtray therapy / Daniel S. Sweeney and Linda E. Homeyer -- CBPT : implementing and integrating CBPT into clinical practice / Susan M. Knell and Meena Dasari -- Play therapy techniques for affect regulation / Susan Trachtenberg Paula -- Building self-esteem, coping skills, and changing cognitive distortions / Diane Frey -- Playful strategies to manage frustration : the turtle technique and beyond / Eva L. Feindler -- Narrative approaches : helping children tell their stories / Ann Cattanach -- Family problem solving : using expressive activities / Steve Harvey -- Self-care for child therapists : leaving it all at the office / John C. Norcross and Athena A. Drewes.