The diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder -- History of body dysmorphic disorder -- Epidemiology and presentation of BDD -- Descriptive psychopathology of BDD -- Psychogenic excoriation -- Psychological aspects of cosmetic procedures -- Risk factors in for the development of BDD -- Neurobiological aspects of BDD -- Learning theory models of BDD -- Cognitive behavioural models of BDD -- Evidence for cognitive behaviour therapy in BDD -- Evidence for pharmacotherapy in BDD -- Assessment -- Engagement and formulation -- Advice on cosmetic procedures -- Imagery rescripting -- Modifying attentional biases -- Modifying cognitive processes -- Safety seeking, compulsive and avoidance behaviours -- Modifying appraisals -- Habit reversal for psychogenic excoriation -- Behavioural activation for depression -- Pharmacotherapy.
Self Concept.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -- therapy.
Body Image.
Somatoform Disorders -- therapy.
Body dysmorphic disorder -- Treatment -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.