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Dagh samples, Al2O3, CaO, MgO and TiO2 amounts are decreased. In spider diagrams, it can be seen distinct and positive anomalies for Ba-epidote association in the propylitic zone and entirely replaced by sericite and opaque minerals and negligiblechlorite and epidote. Accessory minerals comprise zircon, Apatite, sphene and opaque minerals (e.g. pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite, bornite, molybdenite, chalcocite and covellite). In Harker diagrams, with increasing of SiO2 content of Sheyvar-chlorite-calcite-epidote in the propylitic zone and entirely decomposed to sericite in the phyllic zone. This minera is fresh in the potassic zone and rarely altered to sericite. In latter zone, neoform biotite is also observed. Ferromagnesian minerals such as amphibole and biotite are altered to sericit-calcite-Dagh batholith. The main mineral associations in the Sungun porphyry deposit comprised of plagioclase, orthose, amphibole, biotite and quartz. Plagioclase altered to sericite-diorite. The main mineral associations include quartz, plagioclase, orthose, hornblende, biotite, clinopyroxene and accessory minerals such as apatite, titanite, zircon and opaque minerals with granular and porphyry textures are the most common minerals in the Sheyvar-monzonite, monzonite and quartz-andecitic compositions. Lithological compositions of Sheyvar_Dagh batholith consist of granite, granodiorite, quartz-dioritic compositions (3) third generation dykes (DK3) with dioritic compositions and (4) fourth generation dykes with latite and trachy-alkaline andesitic dykes. Post mineralization dykes in this region are divided based on recency and priorities as (1) firs generation dykes tha t subdivided to DK1a, DK1b and DK1c (2) second generation dykes (Dk2) with gabbro-alkaline lavas and tuffs with 1500 meter thickness that cut by calc-S trends. Late tertiary and early quaternary basalts are the latest magmatic activities that overlaid the old units. In the Sungun region, the oldest units consist of Cretaceous limestones with marly interbeds and 500 meter thickness and calc-Dagh batholith with Oligocene age into the region that resulted in numerous mineralizations in the periphery and within the batholith. Aplitic dykes are the latest Oligocene magmatic activities in this region and often cut main intrusion body with N-Dagh region consist of limestone and volcanic rocks of upper cretaceous that have been covered by Eocene volcanic rocks and tuffites. The most important occurrence in this region is intrusion of the Sheyvar-Dagh and the Sungun areas are located in NW of Iran and north of Eastern Azarbaijan province. The oldest units in the Sheyvar- The studied areas include the Sheyvar،Rb ،Th ،La ،Ta ،Zr ،Hf ،Cs ،U ،C with emplacement pressure of 1.5 to 2.4 kbar Dagh batholith based on various methods obtained from 623 to 750 -hornblende compositions. The clinopyroxenes are also dominantly diopsidic. Temperature domain of sheyvar-equilibrated primary biotites. The amphiboles of this batholith have hastingsite and magnesiohastingsite-alkaline orogenic series and re-Dagh granitoid body have siderophyllite and stonite composition and seated in the range of calc-Dagh skarns have diopside composition, while in Sungun skarn are augitic. Biotites of Sheyvar-members. Mineralogically, the clinopyroxens of Sheyvar-Dagh skarns are grossular dominant end-members, while the garnets of Sheyvar-C and the most frequency salinities ranging from 0 to 10 and 40 to 60 wt Nacl equivalent, indicating influence of various fluids with different salinities in this deposit. Based on microprobe studies, Sungun skarn have garnets with andradite dominant endC and from 50 to 60 wt Nacl equivalent respectively. According to thermometric studies on the fluid inclusions within quartz from Sungun porphyry deposit, the most frequency homogenization temperatures vary from 390 to 520 67 wt NaCl equivalent. Frequency distribution diagrams of homogenization temperatures and salinities in the fluid inclusions within garnets of Sungun skarn show that the most frequency vary from 460 to 520 -C. Salinity ranges are between 16 to 67 wt NaCl equivalent and the most salinity are related to 50 C with the most frequency in the range of 490 to >570 Dagh skarns have homogenization temperatures of 425 to >570 -Dagh skarns have higher homogenization temperatures and salinities than Sungun porphyry skarn deposit. The fluid inclusions within garnets of Sheyvar-Sheykh skarn comprise pyrite, chalcopyrite, hematite, magnetite, bornite, covellite and goethite. In Sungun Skarn copper mineralization as chalcopyrite, chalcanthite, malachite and azurite, lead mineralization as galena, zinc mineralization as sphalerite and iron mineralization as magnetite, oligist and pyrite occurred. According to of fluid inclusions studies, the hydrothermal fluids of Sheyvar-Dara, Mazraeh and Goudal skarns. Mineralization has occurred in both of endoskarn and exoskarn in whole of skarns and it can be seen in Mazraeh Skarn as magnetite, hematite, chalcopyrite, pyrite,bornite, tetrahedrite, covellite and limonite; in Anjerd Skarn as pyrite, Chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, chalcocite and molybdenite; in Goudal skarn include specularite, magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, chalcocite and goethite; and in Javan-Sheykh, Qaranliq-Abad, Javan-Dagh batholith associated skarns consist of Anjerd, Jouyband, Zand-C. SheyvarC to 750 alkaline and shoshonitic nature and seated in post collisional range with metaluminous features. Formation temperatures in the Sungun porphyry and related dykes are obtained about 700 -collisional arcs environments. Sungun samples in Harker diagrams also with increasing of SiO2 values, Cao, MgO and TiO2 amounts are decreased. In spider diagrams, Ba, Rb, Th, K, La and Ceshow positive anomalies implying fractionation processes within the intrusive body. Nb, Sr, Y, Yb, Tm, Zr, Hf and Ta show negative anomalies. Parent magma has high K calc- Pb and Pr and negative anomalies for P, Nd, Lu, and Mo. This body has metaluminous feature and related aplites show more peraluminous features. In the terms of tectonic setting, these bodies are laid within volcanic arcs and post