بررسی روابط فرهنگی ایران و آلمان در دوره قاجار تا پایان جنگ جهانی اول
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در رشته تاریخ گرایش تاریخ عمومی جهان
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روابط فرهنگی بخشی از روابط گستردهی میان کشورهاست .با شروع خودآگاهی ایرانیان و شروع روابط با کشورهای دیگر به ویژه کشورهای غربی، روابط ایران و آلمان نیز آغاز گشت که بخشی از این روابط فرهنگی بوده که در دورههای مختلف فراز و فرودهایی نیز داشته است .بنا به شکستهایی که در جنگهای ایران و روس اتفاق افتاد، شاهان قاجار در پی ایجاد تغییرات در ساختار نظامی و تولید جنگ افزارهای جدید بودند که در این راستا به سوی غرب روی آوردند .علل و انگیزههای مختلفی موجب ایجاد روابط میان ایران و آلمان گردید، از جمله تنفر ایرانیان از روس و انگلیس، همچنین نوسازی دستگاه دولت نیز مد نظر قرار داشت و به دلیل فقر نیروی انسانی متخصص در ایران، آلمان میتوانست گزینهی مناسبی باشد چرا که در مقایسه با کشورهای رقیب اروپایی، آلمان از نظر صنعتی و تکنولوژیکی پیشرفته بود و میتوانست راهگشای مشکلات دولت باشد مجموعه این عوامل باعث گشت که رابطه با آلمان) پروس (مورد نظر ایران قرار گیرد .آلمان نیز به دنبال وحدت سیاسی خود، نیازمند فضای باز بیشتری در دیگر کشورهای دنیا بود که از لحاظ اقتصادی و سیاسی تفوق بیشتری پیدا کند .در راستای این سیاست و با توجه به نیاز ایرانیان به نیروی سوم، روابط دیپلماتیک و اقتصادی و به دنبال آن روابط فرهنگی نیز ما بین دو کشور شروع شد .روابط فرهنگی که پیشتر در آن پدیدههایی مانند ترجمهها نقش داشتند، نظام بیشتری یافته و با ایجاد سفارتخانهها در دو کشور ایران و آلمان، ایجاد مدارس آلمانی در ایران، اعزام دانشجو به آلمان، ایجاد مراکز ایرانشناسی در آلمان و کاوشهای باستانشناسی در ایران، از همه جهت گسترش یافت .در این پژوهش جنبههای گوناگون روابط فرهنگی ایران و آلمان در دوره قاجار تا پایان جنگ جهانی مورد رسی قرار گرفته است .گرچه عوامل مختلفی در شکل گیری روابط فرهنگی نقش داشتند اما روابط فرهنگی جایگاه مستحکم و مستقل پیدا کرده و حتی بر روی مسایل سیاسی و اقتصادی تاثیرگذار گشته است
Text of Note
Cultural relations are a part of the widespread relations between the countries which is affected by political and economical relations. When Iranians started to know more about themselves as a kind of self consciousness, the relations with other countries especially with western countries and the relations between Iran and Germany was started too and the cultural relations was a part of the relations which had different levels, up and down in different periods. When Renaissance started in Europe, all the structure and culture of Europe started to change and because of its realistic nature, it was progressing. Soon it accelerated and with industrial progress, influenced to all over the world. On the other hand, because Iran had lost the fights to Russia, the Ghajar kings wanted to change the structure of military and wanted to produce new weapons, so they went toward west. Meanwhile other powerful countries (England and Russia) had a kind of competitions to achieve more benefits in Iran. Iran was continuously affected by them so Iran was searching to find the third powerful country as its friend and support; a country that, in the international conflicts be far enough to not endanger Irans political independence. As Iran had become the land of conflict between Russia and England and Iran had practically lost its independence, having the third country in the political competitions could reduce the affect of Russia and England. In this case Germany was a good choice. The other choice was USA, but Iranians didnt know enough about USA, so Germany was in the priority. There were different motivations for the relations between Iran and Germany, for example Iranians hated Russia and England. On the other hand the Iranian Government needed skilled human resources to renovate its system, so Germany was a good choice as it was advanced in Industry and technology, comparing other advanced countries in Europe, so Germany could help the Government; all these factors helped to start the relations with Germany. Germany was searching for more facilities in the other countries in the world as it had united recently and wanted to dominate economically and politically. According to these policies and the fact that Iranian needed for the third country, diplomatic and economical relations and accordingly cultural relations between Iran and Germany started. Also the cultural relations was started earlier by travel diaries and translations, but by starting to have embassies, the cultural relations expanded in Iran and Germany by establishing German schools in Iran, sending Iranian students to Germany, Iranology centers in Germany, archeological researches in Iran by Germans and so on. In this research the difficult aspects of cultural relations between Iran and Germany in Ghajar in era up to the end of World War one is surveyed. Also there were different reasons for starting the cultural relations, but at the end, it found a strong and independent place and even influenced political and economical matters