سیستماتیک خانواده Phoridae (Diptera: Platypezoidea) براساس ویژگیهای ریختشناختی و مولکولی در استانهای آذربایجانشرقی، آذربایجانغربی و اردبیل
Parallel Title Proper
Morphological and molecular systematic study of the family Phoridae (Diptera: Platypezoidea) in East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan and Ardabil provinces
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Phoridae family belongs to the superfamily of Platypezoidea with more than 4000 described species and 260 genus, is considered as one of the largest families in the order of Diptera, among of which about 900 species have been reported from the Paleartic region. This family biologically diverse and the larvae are feeding on different types of nutrition resources such as dung, carrion, insect feces and dead snails. Some species feed on living plants, sporophores of bracket and other fungi and mycelium. Owing to the species of parasite, parsitoiede, predator and pests, this family is of great importance environmentally and economically. Fauna of phoridae flies in most regions of Iran is unknown. In the current study fauna of adults of this family has been studied in the three provinces of East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, and Ardabil. Adult specimens were collected by standard sweeping net and Malaise trap from grassland and wetland habitats during 2017-2018. The material examined deposited at the following insect collections: ICHMM: Insect Collection of Professor Hasan Maleki Milani, University of Tabriz, Tabriz. Specimens related to phoridae among these specimens, were separated during the year 2016 and were recognized using very valuable keys, these results for a further affirmation have been sent to Professor Henry Disney. As a result of this study, 87 species from 11 genus belonging to 2 subfamily, were collected and identified from phoridae family. Among these species, 2 genus and 32 species were new for world insect fauna and 4 genus with 47 species were new recoreds for Iran fauna that respectively indicated by * and **.Beside describing collected species and describing new species, a check list with key to all species are also provided. Molecular part of this study has been conducted in Pasteur Institute of Iran. A total of 71 species with different nuclear and mitochondrial genes (COI, 28s) were studied. A new genus with 5 genes (COI, 28s, AK, H4 and CytB) was studied. Accordingly, 145 genes were submitted in the Genbank. Phylogenetic relationships between species were investigated using the sequence of COI and 28s genes using Mega 10 Phylogenetic analysis of COI and 28s gene sequences concluded that the Metopininae and Phorinae were monophyly. List of species: Subfamily Phorinae 5. Phora holosericea Schmitz1. Conicera tibialis Schmitz * 6. Phora iranensis Namaki et al.**2. Diplonevra funebris (Meigen) 7. Triphleba intermedia (Malloch)*3. Dohrniphora cornuta (Bigot)* 4. Mahabadphora aesthesphora n. gen. Namaki et al.** Subfamily Metopininae 8. Iranphora sharafkhaneensis n. gen. Namaki et al.** 13. Megaselia meconicera (Speiser)*9. Gymnophora arcuata (Meigen)* 14. Megaselia minuta (Aldrich)*10. Megaselia aculeata (Schmitz) * 15. Megaselia miandoabensis Namaki et al.**11. Megaselia albocingulata (Strobl)* 16. Megaselia namakiae Khaghaninia & Disney**12. Megaselia ajabshirensis Namaki et al.** 46. Megaselia oxybelorum Schmitz* 17. Megaselia angustiata Schmitz * 47. Megaselia plurispinulosa (Zetterstedt)*18. Megaselia ardabilensis Namaki et al.** 48. Megaselia pereensis Namaki et al.**19. Megaselia angelicae Wood* 49. Megaselia producta (Schmitz)*20. Megaselia annulipes (Schmitz)* 50. Megaselia pleuralis (Wood)*21. Megaselia albicaudata (Wood) 51. Megaselia propinqua (Wood)*22. Megaselia brevicostalis (Wood)* 52. Megaselia pusilla (Meigen)*23. Megaselia brevior (Schmitz)* 53. Megaselia posticata (Strobl)* 24. Megaselia bovista (Gimmerthal)* 54. Megaselia perdistans (Schmitz)*25. Megaselia barzegarae Disney 55. Megaselia polysetosis Namaki et al.**26. Megaselia berndseni (Schmitz)*
Parallel Title
Morphological and molecular systematic study of the family Phoridae (Diptera: Platypezoidea) in East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan and Ardabil provinces
ztimhcS allipacivruc ailesageM .72**.la te ikamaN retnevulap ailesageM .65*
نمکی خامنه، رویا
Namaki Khameneh, Roya
ztimhcS( simrofinummoc ailesageM .03)negieM( sepifur ailesageM .95 **.la te ikamaN atagretcenoevac ailesageM .92**.la te ikamaN sisnelogiruq ailesageM .85 **.la te ikamaN sisneilkcehcihc ailesageM .82*)kcebdnuL( anozidillap ailesageM .75)*