مطالعه تاثیر اقلیم بر تشکیل و تکامل خاک و کانی شناسی رس در استان آذربایجان غربی
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تبریز: دانشگاه تبریز
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۱۸۶ ص
Text of Note
Text of Note
Text of Note
واژه نامه بصورت زیرنویس
Text of Note
کتابنامه ص.: ۱۷۱-۱۸۶
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مهندسی کشاورزی-علوم خاک
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تبریز: دانشگاه تبریز
Text of Note
1the rate of soil development and the genesis of clay minerals are strongly controlled by climate and its variations, known as active factor in soil formation. Soil genesis and clay mineralogy of soils the west Azarbaijan Province, north-west of Iran, were studied in order to evaluate: (i) effect of different climatic conditions on soil genesis and development; (ii) effect of different climatic conditions on the origin, distribution and evaluation of clay minerals in soils and parent rock; and (iii) effects of available water index (AWI) and aridity index (AI) on physicochemical properties, soil genesis and development, and clay minerals. Accordingly, 44 profiles from south to north of the west Azerbaijan Province including areas of Sardasht, Piransher, Oshnavieh, Mahabad, Urmia, Salmas, and Khoy were selected as representative profile. The profiles were described and classified and soil samples collected for physicochemical and mineralogical studies. In addition, seven parent rock samples were collected for assessing the relationships of clay minerals in soils and parent rock. The results revealed that climate and its indices play a crucial role in physical, chemical, mineralogical characteristics, and development degree of the soils studied. Soils of more humid conditions indicated higher content of organic matter, CEC, clay accumulation index (CAI), pedogenic and crystalline iron oxides, iron oxides accumulation index (IOAI), and smectite/(chlorite+illite) ratio and lower amount of calcium carbonate, pH, EC and active iron oxides ratio.The content of calcium carbonate had much variation with regard to variability of AWI and AI. For instance, decalcification occurred at AWI ? 0.375 and AI ? 29.5. Poor crystalline Fe (Feo), pedogenic Fe (Fed) and crystalline Fe (Fed-Feo) of soils exhibited close relationship with climatic indices, weathering, soil type, drainage, soil formation processes and land use. For surface horizons and hydromorphic soils, presenting unfavorable conditions for the formation of crystalline Fe oxides such as great organic matter and poor drainage, appeared larger amount of Feo. In Alfisols with the highest precipitation, climatic indices values (AWI and AI), and great rate of weathering and developed soils, the greatest Fed content have observed. Fed content increasing with depth could be attributed to (i) migration of iron oxides coated clay from upper to lower horizons in well-drained soils, and (ii) high rate of in situ weathering, as results of wetting-drying cycle and activity of roots, in poor-drained soils. Active Fe ratio (Feo/Fed) followed rank of Entisoils > Inceptisols > Vertisols > Mollisols > Alfisols and could not separate well-drained soils from their poorly drained with respect to the ratio. Effects of weathering, eluviations and illuviation, and degree of soil development exhibited a parallel trend in IOAI and CAI values. Positive significant correlation between AWI with IOAI (r = 0.4, P ? 0.05) and CAI (r = 0.57, P ? 0.05) as well as between AI with IOAI (r = 0.39, P ? 0.05) and CAI (r = 0.54, P ? 0.05) indicated that IOAI and CAI are possibly as function of climate. Illite, chlorite-kaolinite, smectite, vermiculite, and mix clay minerals were major clay minerals in the studied soils. Chlorite-kaolinite, smectite and vermiculite were predominated in more humid soils (Sardasht and Piransher) while illite and chlorite-kaolinite were more dominant in drier soils (Khoy and Salmas). Different patterns of clay minerals distribution were observed in soil profiles of different climatic regions. Chlorite-kaolinite remains unweathered irrespective of climate and its indices, soil formation processes and variations of physicochemical properties in the studied soils. This trend along with the presence of a large amount of the mineral in parent rock revealed that the inheritance is the main pathways for the occurrence of chlorite-kaolinite in the soils. Illite content in more humid soils (Sardasht and Piransher) was significantly different (P ? 0.05) in comparison with drier soils (Khoy and Salmas). Sensitivity of this mineral to weathering is probably reason for this behavior. There were negative significant relationships between illite content and climatic indices as follows:Illite = -0.0086 (AWI) + 0.5663, R2 = 0.79, P ? 0.00