مدلسازی عددی انتشار موج برای شناسایی آسیب توسط روش بدونشبک مبتنی بر توابع پایه شعاعی
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/علی منصوری
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: مهندسی عمران
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مهندس عمران- سازه
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Text of Note
.In this research, the numerical modeling of wave propagation, which is used in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), is studied based on the radial point interpolation method (RPIM) in rod, beam and plate structures. In this method, radial basis functions (RBF) are applied to overcome the problems of polynomial-based point interpolation method such as singularity. More than all, the phenomena of damage propagation can be modelled in meshfree methods as easy as traditional FEM; hence, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of these methods in damaged environments and to evaluate the variables that are effective in the responses. Thus, a reference FE model for healthy and damaged states were defined for bar, beam, and plate. The type of damage in the rod and the beam were considered as a reduction of the cross-section in a given position. For plate model, a crack with given length and the angle were considered in the middle. For each of these structures, RPIM had been developed and the results of the wave propagation analysis are obtained by applying a high-frequency input signal in the time domain to the MATLAB platform. The responses include spatial and temporal signals, which were evaluated by the corresponding responses to the reference model by the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Determination Coefficient (R2) and the analytic reflection coefficients.The main parameters that effect the results of wave propagation by the RPIM method are the number of field nodes, the size of support domain, the shape prameters of RBF, the number of polynomials used in the interpolation and the arrangement of Gaussian integration points. These parametrs were dependent on each other and their simultaneous evaluation were difficult and makes the research very complex, so the effect of each parameter was studied under the assumed constant value for other parameters
.denimreted eb dluohs snoitidnoc melborp eht ot gnidrocca seulav etairporppa rieht fo noitanimreted dna stluser eht stceffa ylgnorts esaerced ro esaercni rieht taht hcus erew sretemarap epahs fo tceffe eht ,FBR cirdauq-itlum dna naissuaG ni ,dnah rehto eht nO .noitatupmoc fo emit fo sesaercni eht ot dael ylno dna stluser eht fo ycarucca eht no tcapmi tnacifingis a evah ton did niamod troppus fo ezis eht ni esaercni nA .htgnelevaw tupni eht fo htnet eno naht sseL eb tsum dleif eht fo stniop eht neewteb secnatsid eht ,evaw tupni eht fo noisrepsid htiw maeb illuonreB-reluE eht fo ledom eht ni tub ,htgnelevaw tupni eht fo retrauq a naht ssel eb dluow meht neewteb ecnatsid egareva eht taht hcus eb dluohs sedon dleif eht fo ytisned eht ,nonemonehp noisrepsid a evah ton od taht )sevaw laruxelf tuohtiw( setalp dna sdor sa hcus serutcurts nI .ledom etalp ni seicnapercsed erom saw ereht tub devresbo erew sesnopser MIPR dna EF eht neewteb noitalerroc erom ,ledom dor ni taht os ,sedon dleif fo rebmun eht fo smret ni decuder saw stluser fo ycarucca eht ,noitagaporp evaw fo snoisnemid eht dna modeerf fo seerged fo rebmun eht gnisaercni taht tneserper stluser ehT
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