Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
X-ray characterisation of II-VI semiconductor materials / D. Gao, A.W Stevenson and S.W. Wilkins -- Precursors for MOVPE growth of II-VI compounds / L.M. Smith -- Optical properties of Zn, Cd and Hg chalcogenides / Kenji Kumazaki -- Electronic structure of II-VI semiconductors and their alloys / Su-Huai Wei -- Electronic structure of 3d transition-metal impurities in semiconductors / A. Fujimori and T. Mizokawa -- Radiative recombination processes in rare earth doped II-VI materials / M. Godlewski, K. aSwiatek, D. Hommel -- Nonlinear optical properties of heavily doped CdS / U. Neukirch -- Nanostructures of broad gap (II, Mn)VI semiconductors / W. Heimbrodt and O. Goede -- Nonradiative recombination processes in II-VI luminophors / M. Godlewski and A. Zakrzewski -- Co-based II-VI semimagnetic semiconductors / A. Twardowski, H.J.M. Swagten and W.J.M. de Jonge -- Optical properties of wide bandgap II-VI superlattices / Peter J. Parbrook, Kevin P. O'Donnell. (Cont.) Photoluminescence and raman scattering of ZnSe-ZnTe stained layer superlattices / Kenji Kumazaki -- Novel electronic processes in mercury-based superlattices / J.R. Meyer, C.A. Hoffman, and F.J. Bartoli -- Strain, pressure, and piezoelectric effects in strained II-VI superlattices and heterostructures / E. Anastassakis -- Electronic structures of strained II-VI superlattices / T. Nakayama -- Devices and applications of II-VI compounds / S. Colak -- Solar cells based on II-VI semiconductors / Hiroshi Uda -- ZnSe and its applications for blue-light laser diodes / Markus Pessa and Doyeol Ahn -- Organometallic vapor phase epitaxial growth of HgCdTe by the direct alloy growth (DAG) process / Ishwara B. Bhat -- Molecular-beam epitaxy of HgCdTe for electro-optical infrared applications / Josae Manual Arias Cortaes -- New (II-VI)IV ternary alloy semiconductors and their properties / H.K. Sehgal, M. Jain and J.L. Robins. (Cont.) Electrical properties of polycrystalline II-VI compound semiconductor films / S. Chaudhuri and A.K. Pal.