Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, nee Aikin (1743-1825) --The rights of women --Inscription for an ice-house --To Mr. S. T. Coleridge --Charlotte Smith, nee Turner (1749-1806) --Sonnet I ['The partial muse, has from my earliest hours'] --Sonnet VII: On the departure of the nightingale --Sonnet XII: Written on the sea shore. - October, 1784 --SonnettXXX: To the river Arun --Sonnet XXXII: To Melancholy --Sonnet XXXIX: To night --Sonnet XLIV: Written in the church-yard at Middleton in Sussex --William Blake (1757-1827) --(from Innocence) --Introduction --The ecchoing green --The lamb --The little black boy --The chimney sweeper --Holy Thursday --Nurse's song --(from Experience) --Introduction --The clod and the pebble --Holy Thursday --The sick rose --The fly --The tyger --Ah! Sun-flower --London --A poison tree --Visions of the daughters of Albion --The first book of Urizen --The mental traveller --The crystal cabinet --William Wordsworth (1770-1850) --Lines written at a small distance from my house and sent by my little boy to the person to whom they are addressed --Simon Lee, the old huntsman, with an incident in which he was concerned --Anecdote for fathers, showing how the practice of lying may be taught --Lines written in early spring --The thorn --The last of the flock --The idiot boy --Expostulation and reply --The tables turned: an evening scene, on the same subject --Lines written a few miles about Tintern Abbey, on revisiting the banks of the Wye during a tour, July 13, 1798 --The ruined cottage --Strange fits of passion I have known --Song: 'She dwelt among th'untrodden ways' --A slumber did my spirit seal --The two April mornings --The fountain, a conversation --Nutting --Michael, a pastoral poem --The prelude, 1805, Book 1 --Resolution and independence --The world is too much with us Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1803 --Ode (from 1815 entitled' Ode: intimations of immorality from recollections of early childhood') --The solitary reaper --Elegiac stanzas, suggested by a picture of Peele Castle in a storm, painted by Sir George Beaumont --Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) --The Eolian harp, composed at Clevedon, Somersetshire --Reflections on having left a place of retirement --This lime-tree bower my prison --Kubla Khan --The rime of the ancient mariner --Christabel --Frost at midnight --France: an ode --The nightingale: a conversation poem, April, 1798 --The pains of sleep --Dejection: an ode --George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824) --Stanzas to [Augusta] --[Epistle to Augusta] --Stanzas to the Po --Don Juan: Dedication and Canto I --Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) --Alastor: or, the spirit of solitude --Hymn to intellectual beauty --Mont Blanc, lines written in the vale of Chamouni --Prometheus unbound, Act I --Ode to the west wind --Adonais, an elegy on the death of John Keats, author of 'Endymion', 'Hyperion' Etc. --Felicia Hemans, nee Browne (1793-1835) --Properzia Rossi --The homes of England --The spirit's mysteries --The graves of a household --The image in lava --Casabianca --The lost Pleiad --The mirror in the deserted hall --John Keats (1795-1821) --On first looking into Chapman's Homer --The eve of St. Agnes --La Belle Dame sans merci --Ode to Psyche --If by dull rhymes our English must be chain'd --Ode to a nightingale --Ode on a Grecian urn --Ode on melancholy --Ode on indolence --To Autumn --Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art --Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L.E.L.) (1802-38) --Lines written under a picture of a girl burning a love-letter --A child screening a dove from a hawk, by Stewardson --Lines of life --Felicia Hemans.