Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (p. 591-630) and index.
Text of Note
pt. 3.Applying exercise prescription principles --ch. 19.Periodization /Dan Wathen,Thomas R. Baechle,andRoger W. Earle --Responses to training stress --Periodization cycles --Periodization periods --Applying sport seasons to the periodization periods --Undulating (nonlinear) versus linear periodization models --Example of a macrocycle --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 20Rehabilitation and reconditioning /David H. PotachandTerry L. Grindstaff --Sports medicine team --Types of injury --Tissue healing --Rehabilitation and reconditioning strategies --Conclusion --Learning aids --Section 5 : Organization and administration --ch. 21.Facility organization and risk management /Michael GreenwoodandLori Greenwood --General aspects of new facility design --Existing strength and conditioning facilities --Assessing athletic program needs --Designing the strength and conditioning facility --Arranging equipment in the strength and conditioning facility --Maintaining and cleaning surfaces --Maintaining and cleaning equipment --Scheduling the strength and conditioning facility --Litigation issues --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 22.Developing a policies and procedures manual /Boyd EpleyandJohn Taylor --Mission statement and program goals --Program objectives --Job titles, descriptions, and duties of the strength and conditioning staff --Staff policies and activities --Facility administration --Conclusion --Learning aids --Answers to study questions --References --Index --About the editors.
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ch. 15.Resistance training /Thomas R. Baechle,Roger W. Earle,andDan Wathen --Step 1 : Needs analysis --Step 2 : Exercise selection --Step 3 : Training frequency --Step 4 : Exercise order --Step 5 : Training load and repetitions --Step 6 : Volume --Step 7 : Rest periods --Conclusion--Learning aids --ch. 16.Plyometric training /David H. PotachandDonald A. Chu --Plyometric mechanics and physiology --Plyometric program design --Age considerations --Plyometrics and other forms of exercise --Safety considerations --Conclusion --Plyometric drills --Learning aids --ch. 17.Speed, agility, and speed-endurance development /Steven S. Plisk --Movement mechanics --Running speed --Agility --Methods of developing speed and agility--Program design --Conclusion --Learning aids --pt. 3.Aerobic exercise prescription --ch. 18.Aerobic endurance exercise training /Benjamin H. ReuterandPatrick S. Hagerman --Factors related to aerobic endurance performance --Designing an aerobic endurance program --Types of aerobic endurance training programs --Application of program design to training seasons --Special issues related to aerobic endurance training --Conclusion --Learning aids --
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Section 2 : Testing and evaluation --ch. 11.Principles of test selection and administration /Everett Harman --Reasons for testing --Testing terminology --Evaluation of test quality --Test selection --Test administration --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 12.Administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected tests /Everett HarmanandJohn Garhammer --Measuring parameters of athletic performance --Selected test protocols and scoring data --Statistical evaluation of test data --Conclusion --Learning aids --Section 3 : Exercise techniques --ch. 13.Warm-up and stretching /Ian Jeffreys --Warm-up --Flexibility --Types of stretching --Conclusion --Static stretching techniques --Dynamic stretching techniques --Learning aids --ch. 14.Resistance training and spotting techniques /Roger W. EarleandThomas R. Baechle --Exercise technique fundamentals --Spotting free weight exercises --Conclusion --Resistance training exercises --Learning aids --Section 4 : Program design --pt. 1.Anaerobic exercise prescription --
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ch. 7.Age- and sex-related differences and their implications for resistance exercise /Avery D. Faigenbaum --Children --Female athletes --Older adults --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 8.Psychology of athletic preparation and performance /Bradley D. HatfieldandEvan B. Brody --Definitions of key concepts in sport psychology --How the mind affects the athlete's physical performance --Ideal performance state --Motivational phenomena --Influence of arousal on performance --Mental management of physical resources : controlling psychological processes --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 9.Performance-enhancing substances /Jay R. HoffmanandJeffrey R. Stout --Types of performance-enhancing substances --Hormones --Dietary supplements --Conclusion --ch. 10.Nutritional factors in health and performance /Kristin Reimers --Role of the nutritionist --How to evaluate the adequacy of the diet --Macronutrients --Micronutrients --Fluid and electrolytes --Precompetition and postexercise nutrition--Weight and body composition --Eating disorders : anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa --Obesity --Conclusion --Learning aids --
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ch. 4.Biomechanics of resistance exercise /Everett Harman --Musculoskeletal system --Human strength and power --Sources of resistance to muscle contraction --Joint biomechanics : concerns in resistance training --Movement analysis and exercise prescription --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 5.Adaptations to anaerobic training programs /Nicholas A. Ratamess --Neural adaptations --Muscular adaptations --Connective tissue adaptations --Endocrine responses and adaptations to anaerobic training --Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to acute exercise --Compatibility of aerobic and anaerobic modes of training --Overtraining --Detraining --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 6.Adaptations to aerobic endurance training programs /Ann Swank --Acute responses to aerobic exercise --Chronic adaptations to aerobic exercise --Designing aerobic endurance programs for optimizing adaptations --External influences on the cardiorespiratory response --Individual factors influencing adaptations to aerobic endurance training --Conclusion --Learning aids --
Text of Note
Contributors --Contributors to previous editions --Preface --Acknowledgments --Credits --Section 1 : Concepts and applications of the exercise sciences --ch. 1.Structure and function of the muscular, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems /Gary R. HunterandRobert T. Harris --Muscular system --Neuromuscular system --Cardiovascular system --Respiratory system --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 2.Bioenergetics of exercise and training /Joel T. Cramer --Essential terminology --Biological energy systems --Substrate depletion and repletion --Bioenergetic limiting factors in exercise performance --Oxygen uptake and the aerobic and anaerobic contributions to exercise --Metabolic specificity of training --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 3.Endocrine responses to resistance exercise /William J. Kraemer,Jakob L. Vingren,andBarry A. Spiering --Synthesis, storage, and secretion of hormones --Muscle as the target for hormone interactions --Role of receptors in mediating hormonal changes --Steroid hormones versus polypeptide hormones --Heavy resistance exercise and hormonal increases --Mechanisms of hormonal interactions --Hormonal changes in peripheral blood --Adaptations in the endocrine system --Primary anabolic hormones --Adrenal hormones --Other hormonal considerations --Conclusion --Learning aids --
Physical education and training
Muscle strength
Physical fitness, Physiological aspects
Physical Education and Training, methods
Athletic Performance, physiology
Exercise, physiology
Physical Fitness, physiology
Class number
Book number
Baechle, Thomas R.، 1943-
Earle, Roger W.، 1967-
National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.)