Text of Note
Text of Note
Contents: On the meaning of nauta and viator in Horace, Sat. i. 5, 11-23, by S. G. Ashmore.- Anaximander on the prolongation of infancy in man, by N. M. Butler.- Of two passages in Euripides' Medea, by M. L. Earle.- The preliminary military service of the equestrian Cursus honorum, by J. C. Egbert, jr.- References to Zoroaster in Syriac Arabic literature, by R. J. H. Gottheil.- Literary frauds among the Greeks, by A. Gudeman.- Henotheism in the Rig-Veda, by E. W. Hopkins.- On Plato and the Attic comedy, by G. B. Hussey.- Herodotus VII. 61, or Ancient Persian armour, by A. V. W. Jackson.- Archaism in Aulus Gellius, by C. Knapp.- On certain parallelisms between the ancient and the modern drama, by B. Matthews.- Ovid's use of colour and of colour-terms, by N. G. McGrea.- A bronze of Polyclitan affinities in the Metropolitan museum, by A. C. Merriam.- Geryon in Cyprus, by A. C. Merriam.- Hercules, Hydra, and Crab, by A. C. Merriam.- Onomatopoetic words in Latin, by H. T. Peck.- Notes on the Verdic deity Pusan, by E. D. Perry.- The so-called Medusa Ludovist, by J. Sachs.- Aristotle and the Arabs, by W. M. Sloane.- Iphigenia in Greek and French tragedy, by B. D. Woodward.- Gargettus, an Attic deme, by C. H. Young