1.'Die Struktur eines Robai / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )ZDMG, 118, 1968, 75-78(.-- 2. 'The Cuneiform signs of Ugarit / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )JNES, 29/1, 1970, 48-51(.-- 3. 'Nots on the Old Persian Signs / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )IIJ, 12/2, 1970, 121-125(.-- 4.'Diacritic and distinctive features in Avestan / Gernot L. Windfuhr /)JAOS, 91/1, 1971, 104 -124(.-- 5.'a linguis's criticsm of Persian Literature / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )In: Neue Merthodologie in der Iranistik, wiesbaden, 1974, 331-352. Jointly with ann Arbor(.--6.'Isogloss: A sketch on Persians And Parthians. Kurds and Medes / Gernot L. Windfuhr /)In: Acta Iranica, Hommages et Opera Minora, Monumentum H. S. Nyberg II, Leiden / Teheran-Liege, 1975, 457-472(.-- 7. 'Voho Manah: A key to the Zoroastrian World -formula / Gernot L. Windfuhr /)In: Michigan Oriental Studies in honor of George G. Cameron. offered by the faculty of the department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of Michigan, ed. by Louis L. Orlin, Michigan, 1976, 269-310(.-- 8.'Linguistics / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )In: The Study of the Middle East: Research and Scholorship in the Humanities and Social Sciences. ed. by Leonard Binder, New York, John Wiely and Sons, 347-397(.--9. 'The Word in Zoroastrianism / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )JIES, 12/1-2, 133-178(.--10.'A spatial model for Tense, Aspect, And Mood / Gernot L. Windfuhr / )Folia Linguistica, Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae, 19/3-4, 1985, 415-461(