1.'Pahlavi version of Gatha Ushtavaiti / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: A Volume of Indian and Iranian Studies Presented to Sir E.Denison Ross, Kt, C. I. E. on his 68th brith -day 6th june 1983, Bombay, 179-191(.-- 2. 'Interpretation of some Avestan and Pahlavi words / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Proceedings and transactions of the tenth All India Oriental Conference, Tirupati, March 1940, Madras, 1941, 129-139(- 3. 'A note on the words Zirak Triman in a Pahlavi Text Apar Matan i Shah Vahram i Varchavand / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Proceedings and transactions of the tenth All India Oriental Conference, Twelfth Session , Benares Hindu University 1943-44, vol.3, Benares, 1948, 687-691(.-- 4. 'Characteristices of a fortunate man according to the Middle Perian text / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Kaiser-i-Hind, Naoroze Number, 1951(.-- 5. 'Apar Xem ut Xrat i farroxv mart, A Pahlavi text / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )Bombay, 1953, 13PP(.--6. 'Interpretation of some AVestan and Pahlavi words and Passages / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Proceedings and transctions of the All-India Oriental Conference, Sixteenth session, University of Lucknow, October 1951, Vol. II, Lucknow, 1955, 36-45(.-- 7.'Transcription and translation of the first chapter of the second epistle of Manuscihr Gosn-Jaman, A text criticism / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Deccan Bulletin, vol. XVIII: Taraporewalla volume 1957, 374-380(.-- 8. 'Datistan i Denik -Pursisn Xl / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Indian Linguistics, Turner Jubilee Volum, Vol. II, 1959, 140-144(.--9. 'Interperetation of some Pahlavi and Pazand words and Passages / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Proceedings and Transactions of the All-India Oriental Conference, Twentieth Session, Bhubaneshwar, October 1959, Vol. II, Part II, 1961, 13-23(.--10. 'A critical study of chapter II of epistle II of Manuscihr / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Proceedings and Transactions of the All-India Oriental Conference, Twentyfirst Session, Srinagar, Kashmir, October 1961, Vol. II, Part II, 1964, 1-11(.-- 11. ;The last chapter of Denkart Book III, Apar den nipek Denkart nipek / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )Acta Orientalia, 30, 1966, 117-127(.--12.'A study of the first two chapters of the first epistle of Manuscihr Gosn-Jaman / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )Iranian Studies, New Delhi, 1966, 218-225(.-- 13. 'Datistan i Denik. Pursisn 30 / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Indian linguistic, Vol.26, 1967, 72-86(.--14. 'A critical study of chapter 3, episle 1 of Manuscihr Gosn - jaman / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Sir.J.J.Zathoshti Madressa Centenary Volume, Bombay, 1967, 147-161(.--15.'Epistle 1, Ch. 4 of Manuscihr Gosn-jaman. A critical study / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Indian Linguistics 27, 1968, 46-57(.-- 16.Middle -Persian Word for Sanskrit Mauna / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vols. 48-49, Golden Jubilee Volume, 1968, 339-345(.--17.'Datistan i Denik, Pursisn 18 / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Indian Linguistics, Vol.30, 1969, 81-84(.--18.'Datistan i Denik, Pursisn 4 and 5: A study / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Prof. R. N. Dandekar felicitation Volume, Indian Antquary, Third Series, Vol.3, Nos. 1-4, Bombay, 1969, 1-6(.--19.'Datistan i Denik, Pursisn 14 and 15: A critical study / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, London, 1970, 219-227(.--20. ]Review of:[ D. N. Mackenzie, A Concise Pahlavi dictionary. London, 1971 / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Oriens, 25-26, 331-334(.--21. 'Datistan i Denik, Pursisn 6 / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )In: Proceedings of the all- India Oriental Conference, Twenty - Fourth session, Varanasi, Oct. 1968, Poona-4, 1972, 243-245(--22. 'A Critical study of Pistle I of Manuscihr Gosn Jaman / Ervand Maneck Fardunji Kanga / )Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeethe, Vol.27, Parts 3-4, 1972, 303-313(