1.'Herodotus VII. 61, or the Arms of the Ancient Persians illustrated from Iranian Sources / A. V. William Jaskson / )In: Classical Studies in honour of Henry Drisler, New York, 1984, 95-125(.-- 2.'Textual Notes on the Old Persian Inscriptions / A. V. William Jaskson / )JAOS, XXVII, 1906, 190-194(.-- 3. 'Traces of Biblical influence in the Turfan Pahlavi fragment M.173 / A. V. William Jaskson / )jaos, 56/2, 198-207(.-- 4. )Joint author( 'Drei Mitteliranische Worter fur "sonne" /E. M. Jeremias / )Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 25, 1977, 221-226. Jointly with M.Maroth(.-- 5.]Review of:[ G. L. Windfuhr: Persian Grammer. History and state of its Study /E. M. Jeremias / )In: Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 31, 1981, 353-358(.--6. 'Diglossia in Persian / E. M. Jeremias / )Acta Linguistica Academiae Seientiarum Hungaricae, 34, 3-4, 1984, 271-287(.-- 7. ]Review of:[ Middle Iranian Studies Proceedings of the International Symposium organizd by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982. /E. M. Jeremias / )In: ST. IR, 16-1987-2, 281-292(.-- 8. Notes on the use of genitiv construction versus IZAFA construction in Iranian Bolochi / Carina Jahani / )ST.IR, 23-1994-2, 285-298(.--9. 'Notes on how to express' To Have' in Iranian Balochi / Carina Jahani / ST, IR. 24-1995-1, 125-130(.--10.'The luck- bringing shirt. Variations on type 844 / G. S. Jakobsdottir / )AO, 45, 1984, 43-50(