1.Languages of the Saka / H. W. Bailey / )in: Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1. Abt., IV.Bd., Iranistik, I, Linguistik, 1958, 131-154(.-- 2. Missa suppletum / H. W. Bailey / )BSOAS, XXI, 1, 1958, 40-47(.-- 3. Ambages Indoiranicae / H. W. Bailey / )Annali 1 st. Or.Napoli, Sez. Ling., 1, 2, 1959, 111-146(.-- 4. Iranian Arya-and Daha / H. W. Bailey / )TPS, 1959 ]pub[ 1960, 71-115(.-- 5. vijaya Sangrama / H. W. Bailey / )AM, NS, VII, 1/2, 1959, 11-24(.--6. Arya, 11 / H. W. Bailey / )BSOAS, XXIII, 1, 1960, 13-39(.-- 7. Indagatio Indo-Iranica / H. W. Bailey / )TPS, 1960, 62-88(.-- 8. Ma hyara / H. W. Bailey / )Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute Institute, XX, 1/4, 1960, 276-280(.-- 9. Rigvedica / H. W. Bailey / )in: Hommages a Georges Dumezile. Collection Latomus, XLV. Bruxelles, Latomus, 1960, 9-13(.-- 10. Sudhana and the Kinnaari / H. W. Bailey / )Bharatiya Vidya, XX-XXI, 1960- 1, ]pbu[. 1963 Bombay, 192-195(.-- 11. Arya III / H. W. Bailey's / )BSOAS, 24/3, 1961, 470-483(.-- 12. Cognates of Puja / H. W. Bailey / )In: The Adyar Library Bulletin, Vol.25, parts 1-4, 1961, 1-12(.-- 13. A Parian reference to the Goths / H. W. Bailey / )English and Germanic Studies, VII, 1961, 82-83(.-- 14. The preface to the Siddhasara-Sastra / H. W. Bailey / )in: ]W.B. Henning and E.Yarshater )ed([ A locust's leg: studies in honour of S. H. Tagizadeh. London: Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. Ltd., 1962, 31-38(.-- 15. The profession of Prince Tcum-Ttehi / H. W. Bailey / )in: Ernest Bender )ed(: Indological studies in honor of W.Norman Brown. ) American Oriental Series, XLVII.( New Haven: American Orintal Society, 1962, 18-22(.-- 16. Arya IV / H. W. Bailey / )BSOAS, Vol. 26, Part1, 1963, 69-91(.--17. Kasavittra / H. W. Bailey / )in: Claus Vogel Vogel )ed(.: Jnanamvktavali: commemoration volume in honour of Johannes Nobel on the occasion of his 70th birthday offered by Pupils and Colleagues )Sarasvait-vihara Series, XXXVIII(. New Dlhi: International Academy of Indian Culture 1963, 38-41(.-- 18. Romantic literature in early Khotan / H. W. Bailey / )in: Melanges d'orientalisme offers a Henri Masse a l'occasion de son 75 aniversaire. Publications de 1' Universite de Teheran, No. 843. Teheran: Imprimerie de 1' Universite, 1963, 17-20(.-- 19. Saka miscellny / H. W. Bailey's / )in: Indo-Iranica: melanges presentes a Georg Morgenstierne a l'occasion de son soicante-dixieme anniversaire. Wiesbaden: ottoHarrassowitz, 1964, 8-12(.-- 20. Sri Visa Sura and the Ta-uaug / H. W. Bailey / )AM, NS, XI, I, 1964, 1-2(.-- 21. The image in Gaustana / H. W. Bailey / )in: N.A. Jayawickrama )ed(: Paranavitana felicitation volume on art and architecture and oriental studies presented to professor Senarat Paranavitana, archaeologist, epigraphist, historian, as a tribute of his colleagues, friends, well-wishers to lifetime spent in interpreiting the culture of a corner of Asia ]Colombo: M. d. Gunasena and CO, lTD., 1965[ 33-36(.-- 22. Iranian in Armenian / H. W. Bailey / Revue des Etudes Armeniennes, NS, II, 1965, 1-3(.-- 23. A metrical summary of the Saddharma- pundarika- sutra in Gostana-desa / H. W. Bailey / )Bulletin of Tibetology )Gangtok, Sikkim(, 11,2, 1965, 5-7(.-- 24. Vajryana texts from Gostana / H. W. Bailey / )In: Studies of Esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism. in commemoration of the 1150 th anniversary of the founding of Koyaasan. Koyasan: Koyasan University, 1965, 27-39(.-- 25. ]Review of:[ Pachow W.and Ramakanta Misra )eds(: The Pratimoksa-Sutra of the Mahasanghikas. Allahabad, 1956 / H. W. Bailey / )In: JRAS, April 1965(