1. Ossetic material among the literary remains of Bernard Munkacsi / Eve Apor / )Acta Orient.Hung. XVI, 2, 1963, 225-240(.-- 2. About the modern Persian Sufix-Ane / Eve Apor / )Acta Orient.Hung. XXII, 1,1970, 107-113(.-- 3. On a Persian manuscript of the Vambery-Bequest / Eve Apor / )Acta Orient.Hung. XXIII, 3,1970, 327-334( .-- 4. The Persian manuscript of the Vambery-Bequest / Eve Apor / )A magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Konyvtaranak Kiadvanyai. publication es bibliothecae Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapest, 1971, 3-18(.-- 5. Local poets in Qajar-Tazkeres-A study on the Safinat ul-Mahmud of the Haungarian Academy library in Budapest / Eve Apor / )In: The Muslim East Studies in Honour of Julius Germanus, Budapest, 1974. 213-220(.-- 6. Dadestan-i Dinik 91 / P. K. Anklesaria / )In: Dr. J. M. Unvla Memorial Volume. Bombay, 1964, 190-197(.-- 7. Profio grammaticale dell osseto letterario moderno / V. I. Abaev)Joint author( / )In: Estratto dagli Annali dell Istituto Orientale di Napoli, VI, Roma, 1964. 1-20. By. V.I. Abaev, W. Belardi and N. Minissi(.-- 8. Une Passion Armenienne / SS. Abdas )Joint author( / )Analecta Bollandiana, XXVIII, 1909. 399-415. By. SS. Abdas, Hormisdas, Sahin )Suenes( et Benjamin(