1.Francesco Gabrieli / S. J. Halberstam .-- 2. Revue des Etudes Juives / A. durlacher .-- 3. Etimologle Iraniche .-- 4. Revue Semltlque / J. Halevy .-- 5. Note sur la formation du futur pehlvi / J. Halevy .--6. Cyrus et le retour de L'exi / Joseph Halevy .-- 7. Les six feux dans le Talmd / James Darmesteter.-- 8. Revue des etudes Armeniennes / H. Berberlan .-- 9. Le Vaetha / E. blxeet .-- 10. Allindia oriental coference .-- 11. The Reading and Transcription of Pahlavii / J. M. Unvaia .-- 12. Pazand Dawur and Dawar / Dastur ,Hormazdiar Mirza .-- 13. Determination of the Signlflcance of the Avesta Words / D.D. Kapzdia.-- 14. IDE Ntiflcation of the Rlver rangha mentloned in the Avesta / Sohrab H. Bativala .-- 15. River Daltl lts lication and Possible ldentlflcation / J. C. Tarapore. Bombay .-- 16. Aum and Ahunavar / J.M. Desai
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles Gathered by M. Nawabi )4(