760. Is There a Middle East / Nikki R. Keddie.--761. On Majorization and Normality of Operators / Mihdi Radjablipour.--762. Iranian Nationalism and the Great Powers: 1872-1954 / Chris Pine; Erica Schoenberger.--763. Women as Participants in the Pakistan Movement: Modernization and the Promise of a Moral State / David Willmer.--764. Iran's Religious Regime: What Makes It Tick? Will Ever Run down / William O. Beeman.--765. Iran's Islamic Revolution in Comparative Perspective / SaidAmir Arjomand.--766. Revolution Without Movement, Movement Without Revolution: Comparing Islamic Activism in Iran and Egypt / Asef Bayat.--767. Revolutionary Iran and ItsTribal Peoples / Lois Beck.--768. America;s Shah Shahanshah's Iran / Helmut Richards.--769. Baluch Nationalism and Superpower Rivalry / Selig S. Harison.--770. Development of the Iraqi-Iranian Dispute, 1847-1975 / Hussein Sirriyeh.--771. Tribal Society and Its Enemies / Richarsd Tapper
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )67(