472. Postscript to "Zurvan" / R. C. Zaehner. -- 473. "iranian Nation" and Iranian - Islamic Revolutionary Ideology / Ludwig Paul.--474. Revolutionary Iran and Its Tribal Peoples / Lois Beck.--475. A List of Middle - Persian and Parthian Words / W. Henning.--476. Iranian Miscellanies / Louis H. Gray.--477. Countermobilization as a Revolutionary From / Jerrold D. Green.--478. Michel Foucault the Orientalist: On Revolutionary Iran and the "Spirit of Islam" / Rosemarie Scullion.--479. Ancient Near Eastern Art / Vaughn E. Crawford.--480. Arda and Arta and Pyly Brys / Jacob Neusner.--481. Zurvanism Again / Richcrd N. Frye.--482. Gun Belt in the Beltway / Robert Vitalis.--483. Response to Ghoryashi / Fred Hailliday
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )44(