422. The Diwan Attributed to Ibn Bajjah )Avempace( / D. M. Dunlop.--423. The "qadi's diwan)Sijill(" before the Ottomans / Wael B. Hallaq.--424. Atrists and Patronage in Late Fourteenth- Century Iran in the Light of Two Catalogues of Islamic Metalwork / Sheile S. Blair.--425. High Culterand Popular Culture in Medieval Islam / Boaz Shoshan.--426. The Ahrari Waqf in Kabul in the Year 1546 and the Mughul Naqshbandiyyah / Stephen F. Dale;Alam Payind.--427. The Pursuit of Persian: Language in Mughal Politics / Muzaffar Alam.--428. The Madrasa at Zuzan: Islamic Architecture in Eastern Iran on the Eve of the Mongol / Sheila S. Blair.--429. On the Origins of Specialized Nomadic Pastoralism in Western Iran / Allan S. Gilbert
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )39(